

Taking bleach-related products for covid-19 can kill you

In a disorienting world, it can be tempting to trust information on the internet that appears to be in your best interest. Of course, anyone is free to do anything they want as long as they don’t cause harm to…

Bolsonaro and WHO United in the Same Fight?

Jair Bolsonaro, just like Trump, claims that there is no epidemic from COVID-19 and shows himself smiling as he swallows chloroquine, thus projecting the image of a good-tempered and decidedly stupid despot. A lot of people make a simple reasoning:…

Coronavirus and “reception policies in the Greek islands”

The chronicles of recent days have reported the death of another human being in the Greek territory in the camp of Moria. This time it is a 21-year-old Afghan. According to the articles from the local press, the young man…

75 Years Ago the US Destroyed Japanese Culture

In dropping nuclear weapons on Nagasaki just three days after having bombed Hiroshima, the US knew exactly what would be the level of destruction and the extent of the humanitarian disaster. Less than a second after the detonation, the northern end…

A Solution to Keynes´ Problem

´Keynes´ Problem´ is the lack of sufficient business activity in a modern market society. It is an economic problem that morphs into any number of crucial political and social problems. People depend on business activity to provide essential goods, and…

Medicare for All: A Prescription Against Deadly COVID Capitalism

The United States, the wealthiest and most powerful nation in world history, is also number one in COVID-19 infections and deaths. As White House coronavirus advisor Dr. Deborah Birx warned last weekend, “It is extraordinarily widespread. It’s into the rural…

75 years since the start of the nuclear age, on the verge of abolishing nuclear weapons

By Carlos Umaña. 75 years ago the world changed forever. On August 6, 1945, an atomic bomb was detonated over the Japanese city of Hiroshima and then on August 9 another one was detonated over Nagasaki. Approximately 210,000 people died…

John Lewis and My Montgomery

By Nan Frydland When John Lewis headed to Montgomery in 1958, I did, too. He was going to meet Martin Luther King, and my mother was taking me to meet my grandparents. My mother was no stranger to Montgomery, having…

How to hide from a drone – the subtle art of ‘ghosting’ in the age of surveillance

Drones of all sizes are being used by environmental advocates to monitor deforestation, by conservationists to track poachers, and by journalists and activists to document large protests. As a political sociologist who studies social movements and drones, I document a wide range…

World Must Crunch Not Flatten the Pandemic Curve

Covid Naysayers V. Saners By: Jerome Irwin Who are these naysayers & what are they saying? Call these naysayer’s what you will: anarchists, obstructionists, right-wingers, libertarians, pro-lifers, religious fundamentalists, anti-maskers, anti-vaccine proponents, Trump-nutters or government-conspiratorial-flat-earther-global warming-lunar-landing dis-believers of one lunatic…

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