

The villainous lawyer Hermosilla

For many years, Luis Hermosilla’s fame as one of the country’s leading criminal lawyers was not due to his intellectual and professional merits, but to his ability to relate to political power and to charm the most important businessmen into…

Why the world is silent about persecution in Balochistan?

At the onset of the Holy Ramadan month, Muslims all over the world were busy with fasting rituals, and the global protest against the occupation of Balochistan on 27 March 1948 was not heard across the globe. Balochistan, for 76…

Climate Agreements Suck

Climate agreements suck. There are no real enforcement provisions. Many signatories cheat. Some don’t rep0rt at all. Moreover, reported data is highly suspect. It’s a worldwide scandal recently exposed by YaleEnvironment360. Evidence of cheating is found in the atmosphere: Global…

45 years after Three Mile Island, we need a ‘No Nukes’ comeback

As Biden sinks billions into nuclear energy, members of the historic Clamshell Alliance are reuniting to spark a new wave of anti-nuke resistance. By Arnie Alpert When a nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania went from a technological…

Israel’s Condition of Origin and Our Willful Ignorance

A Confession I’m going to confess something up front here: Until 2023 I wasn’t aware that Israel was an apartheid state.(1) I’ve been reflecting on this “revelation” over the last week or so and it’s become clear to me, embarrassingly…

Europe Sleepwalks Through Its Own Dilemmas

On March 19, 2024, the head of France’s ground forces, General Pierre Schill, published an article in the newspaper, Le Monde, with a blunt title: “The Army Stands Ready.” Schill cut his teeth in France’s overseas adventures in the Central…

Speech by Maria Karystianou at the European Parliament: A big leap for the Tempi movement

“We are addressing you as Greeks and as Europeans. Not as supplicants, but as citizens with self-evident rights. We address ourselves with confidence to people who both care and can change things.” -Maria Karystianou With 1.3 million signatures and a…

CO2 Bursting into the Atmosphere

CO2 is bursting into the atmosphere like never before, up and away, like it has wings. According to climate scientists, we’re fast approaching white-knuckle time. This reinforces the outlook for 2024 as expressed by WMO: “Every major global climate record…

Purim at the Time of Genocide

The Jewish holiday of Purim, related in the Book of Esther, celebrates deliverance from a genocide. How to celebrate it when death and starvation kill thousands in Gaza, and the holiday’s rhetoric, namely the memory of the archenemy Amalek, is…

The world in the so-called “transition period”.

The “transition” that is being talked about today, both in the social sciences and in the natural sciences, points to a change of system from an unrestricted production of the resources that nature provides us with, to one in which…

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