

Nuclear power in the Green New Deal? The arguments against it

By M.V. Ramana and Schyler Edmunston Over the last few years, there has been a growing interest in a Green New Deal and there are many versions proposed in different countries. At the same time, there has also been criticism of…

If Joe Biden Rejects His Progressive Base, Trump Will Win

During the official roll call at the virtual Democratic National Convention on Tuesday, representatives from 57 states and territories declared their delegate totals for Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, each from an iconic setting highlighting their region. Native American delegates…

Ecuador’s indigenous Amazonian peoples launch online COVID-19 tracker

Data helps the public understand where help is most Indigenous Amazonian populations in Ecuador can now see how COVID-19 is affecting their communities through a platform designed and updated by the NGO Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon (Confeniae). Before…

Getting Control of Belarus is a Big Deal for the White-West

Every mainstream media outlet is covering the protests contesting the elections results in Belarus. Could this be the new Ukraine? Maybe not, but it is definitely a continuation of the White-West’s attempts to get closer to Russia’s border. Last week…

Bells Toll for India’s Diversity and Democracy

Viewpoint by Shastri Ramachandaran * August is a month of memories for India with memorable dates redolent of history, freedom and politics. August 15, with that unforgettably evocative ‘Tryst with Destiny’ speech of first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, is, doubtless,…

Beyond the White-West vs China Cultural Clash

On July 22, the Texas Tribune reported that the Trump administration had ordered the closing of Houston’s Chinese Consulate. The Chinese Government retaliated by closing the US consulate in Chengdu, the capital of China’s southwest Sichuan province. Chengdu was an…

Kamala Harris Stands on the Shoulders of Great Women

August 26th marks 100 years since Congress ratified the 19th amendment to the Constitution, guaranteeing women’s right to vote. The amendment states, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the…

Don’t be Hoodwinked by Trump’s UAE-Israel “Peace Deal”

By Medea Benjamin and Ariel Gold “HUGE breakthrough today,” crowed Donald Trump on twitter as he announced the new peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The deal makes the UAE the first Gulf Arab state and…

Death in paradise: the aftermath of nuclear testing in Australia and Oceania

by Aleksandar Novaković The United States of America is the first nuclear power — and the only one to have used its weapons for a military purpose. During World War 2 in 1945,  two Japanese cities were bombed by US…

Video: the invisible ideology trashing our planet

Brendan Montague An interview with George Monbiot and audio of his talk at the Gillian Lynne Theatre in London. If you get into debt buying your child branded trainers, if you fear redundancy, if you suffer anxiety about the future…

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