

White Voters for Biden Political Action Front

The boring 2020 US presidential race is well on its way, with just a few months left before its November finish. The main and maybe the only real project of the Democratic Party is to kick Donald Trump out of…

Fire destroys Moria refugee camp: another tragic wake-up call for the EU’s asylum policy

Fires at a reception centre for asylum seekers on the Greek island of Lesbos have left thousands of people without shelter. Around 13,000 people – including those from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and west Africa – lived at the Moria Reception and…

Why Alexei Navalny’s Case Matters to the Kremlin?

By Kester Kenn Klomegah The global call for an objective investigation that will inevitably establish facts into the alleged “poisoning” of opposition leader and a Russian citizen, Alexei Navalny, in August has started yielding results. President Vladimir Putin has decided,…

How President Trump Has Completely Handed Over The United States To The Extremely Wealthy

By Mark Lesseraux President Trump cut all of these people’s taxes by 15% recently. He also stripped away long fought for protections and regulations (which he’s very open about and proud of btw) so as to increase the number of…

Why should Universal Basic Income be regarded as a human right?

Because it would provide something vital: the people’s survival.  And, it would have huge physical and psychological effects, individually as well as collectively. This extract is from the first part of the author’s contribution to the virtual event called “Universal…

Both Dangerous: Trump and Jeffrey Goldberg

If we were to look beyond words to actions, there would be no doubt that virtually all U.S. politicians have, in effect, taken the Trump/Kissinger view of U.S. troops for as long as there have been U.S. troops. “Why should…

Netizens across former Yugoslavia celebrate 75 years of women’s suffrage

On this day in 1945 women in our country earned the right to vote for the first time. Regarding that issue, as usual, various “anticommunists” crawled from under their rocks, with the thesis that this was not so important because…

Universal basic income: how it would change the world

(Picture from Public Domain Pictures on Pixabay- michelangelo) This article is the second part of the author’s intervention during the virtual event organized by the Center of Humanist Studies “New Civilization” on July 23, entitled ‘Universal and Unconditional Basic Income (UBI), a suspended right‘.…

This Labor Day, Honor Essential Workers and Remember Those Who Died

From windows and rooftops through the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions around the world cheered essential workers on the frontlines who daily risked contracting this highly contagious disease. Janitors, grocery store workers, drivers, warehouse workers, letter carriers, food…

Nigerian Postcard: Biafra’s Quest for Self-Determination

By Kester Kenn Klomegah Undoubtedly, Nigeria has entered a period of political uncertainty. With the next presidential election fast approaching, some politicians and experts are strongly advocating for, among others, a constitutional review considered as the best way to preserve…

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