

Everything Will Fundamentally Change

In June 2019, Joe Biden promised wealthy so-called donors that nothing would fundamentally change. At this moment hundreds of millions of people — from those shooting off fireworks to those ranting as though they will soon shoot up public places…

The unsustainability of hypocrisy

Every year the team at Reaching Critical Will, the disarmament arm of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom report on all international forums concerned with disarmament. At this time of year they follow the First Committee of the…

Trident must be destroyed, not given to Westminster

There appears to be a presumption that upon Scottish Independence, the Trident submarine fleet and its incredibly destructive WMD’s must simply be handed over to Westminster by Holyrood. That is wrong in international law; if the weapons remain on the…

The Voters Speak: In Squad We Trust

The national election left many Democrats reeling from the depth of support for President Donald Trump. Joe Biden may still eke out an Electoral College victory, while winning the popular vote by more than 3.5 million. With intense focus on…

Nagorno-Karabakh: Mediation in good faith is vital

27 September 2020 marked the start of a renewed armed conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh among the forces of Azerbaijan, the Armenian-populated Republic of Artsakh, and Armenia.  The conflict has provoked a loss of life and the destruction of civilian property.  Of…

The wise rogue, Luis Ammann, has died

The wise rogue got tired of fighting and left us early this morning. He left us, that is to say, because beyond those first feelings of loneliness and emptiness, what quickly flooded those of us who loved him was the…

Luis Alberto Ammann

I have in my hands the book Self-Liberation, on the inside cover of which you can read a brief review of its author, our dear friend Luis, who died last night at the Argerich Hospital in Buenos Aires where he…

Thank you, Pepe !!!

On October 20, Pepe Mujica resigned his seat in the Uruguayan Senate. At 85, it is not the first time he has resigned. He had already done it in August 2018 “out of fatigue”, but he returned and turned out…

How The US Presidential Election Will Affect Korea

By Kim Jongho In past US presidential elections, the foreign policy platforms were somewhat different due to the “bipartisan approach” that prioritized national interests. In this presidential election, however, President Trump’s America First policy is very different from Biden’s. President…

Déjà Vu In France: Change Attitudes

By Dr Chandra Muzaffar As events unfold in France centering around Islamophobia, there is a feeling of déjà vu. We have witnessed a few times before this sequence of events.  There is some provocation or other targeting the Prophet Muhammad…

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