

WMO Bright Red Alert

The World Meteorological Organization (Geneva, Switzerland) State of Climate 2023 Report by Celste Saulo, secretary general, was issued on March 19th, 2024. “As secretary general of the World Meteorological Organization, I am now sounding the Red Alert about the state…

Argentina: a nervous top and a bottom that is already moving

The application of neoliberal-libertarian dogma has plunged Argentina into its worst crisis in more than two decades in the space of a hundred days, thanks to a government that has – deliberately – pulverized the purchasing power of workers and…

The secret of their spirituality

Perhaps one of the best descriptions of the spiritual approach of the ruling system can be found in the famous book ‘The Secret’ by the Australian writer Rhonda Byrne. This work is like an extension of the previous recipe book…

The EU Is Marching Toward an Independent and Integrated Military

The EU’s evolving common defense network is decades in the making, yet remains hindered by its inability to match NATO and apprehension by some member states. By John P. Ruehl At the European Defense Agency’s annual conference in November 2023,…

Has the CIA revived the Gladio network?

Gladio (Latin for sword) was the name given to the “network of sleeper agents deployed by NATO in Italy, ready to go into action in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe”. It would be the Allied forces…

Carbon Capture, Too Little Too Late?

Will carbon capture technology bail society out of the latest version of greenhouse gas emissions, CO2 suddenly doubling its rate of increase when compared to the past decade, in breathtaking fashion, thus overheating the ocean and the Arctic and Antarctica…

A PhD Student’s Resilience: Defying Signal Challenges for Online Learning 

By Genevieve Balance Kupang Though International Women’s Month (March) has just come to a close, I would like to greet and celebrate the inspiring women who contribute, persevere, and achieve something for humanity every day! Here is to honoring and…

Abolishing nuclear weapons, a brake on the climate crisis

Life on Earth faces two existential threats: the climate crisis and nuclear weapons. The two are intimately linked and mutually reinforcing, yet many are unaware of how serious the risk of nuclear war is and how abolishing nuclear weapons can…

A world without spirit

Many years ago, in the ruins of Sacsayhuaman in Peru’s Sacred Valley, I first encountered a way of looking at the world that I had never known before. Walking among the majestic Inca stones, a television crew from a European…

The EU Can Only Survive as a Peace Project and Not as a NATO Subsidiary

EU Leaders, Stop the Warmongering! By Florina Tufescu The most recent poll commissioned by the European Council for Foreign Relations (an influential think tank that employs numerous leading politicians, EU officials, and former NATO secretaries general) shows that 41% of…

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