

COVID-19 and Lessons from Traditional Chinese Medicine

By Jayasri Priyalal for InDepthNews They are fighting an invisible enemy taking a warpath. Many countries grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic interpret the situation like a war. Frontline heroes are found in battlefield scenarios. These heroes come from different professions,…

Top 10 Reasons to Reject Blinken

Antony Blinken is not the Secretary of State the United States or the world needs, and the U.S. Senate should reject his nomination. Here are 10 reasons: 1. A president elect who has been part of every disastrous war for…

Thinking Out of the Box on Climate Change Needed for Timely Solutions to Emerge

By Bharat Dogra Climate change provides the  strangest example of a problem which is very widely and increasingly recognized by the best available scientific opinion to be a huge and definite danger to basic life nurturing conditions of our planet,…

Spanish bishop denounces drama of migrants on Canary Islands: “We must treat them as people, help them and take them in”

By Mada Jurado A Spanish bishop has denounced the drama of migrants on the Canary Islands, urging that “we must treat them as people, help them and take them in”. New arrivals left “without food, drink and destination” after being…

Polluting investments not in our name

Daniel Willis Parliamentarians and NGOs across Europe have signed joint statements calling for public development banks to respect human rights and stop funding fossil fuels. Last week saw the first ever international meeting of public finance institutions, dubbed the Finance…

Outlawing Everything To Do With Nuclear Weapons

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) outlaws the use of nuclear weapons. But that is not what makes this treaty so important. Indeed, many would argue that any conceivable use of nuclear weapons would inevitably violate the…

Kilimanjaro Threatened by Fires Which Shaped It

Viewpoint by Andreas Hemp In October 2020, firefighters in Tanzania had to tackle a number of fires on Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s tallest mountain and the largest free-standing mountain in the world. The mountain and surrounding forests fall into Kilimanjaro National Park,…

Science, or nuclear fiction?

Biden-Harris must reject the nuclear path Although possibly a sad comment on his predecessors, incoming U.S. president, Joe Biden, is offering the most progressive climate policy so far of any who have previously held his position. As Paul Gipe points…

E. Salvanou: in the country an agenda against every kind of civil rights is being played out

By Emilia Salvanou*. “Streets and protests carry the virus and give birth to disease” (Michalis Chrisochoidis, Greek Minister of Citizen Protection, 14.11.2020) In striking opposition with the recent decision of the European Parliament that the corona pandemic should not be…

Lost Causes, from the Confederacy to Trump

President Donald Trump has embarked on a lost cause akin to that embraced by Southerners after the Confederacy was crushed. That historical “Lost Cause” falsely posited that the U.S. Civil War was fought not to defend slavery, but, rather, to…

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