

Deregulation and Record Profits for the Super-Wealthy = Restrictions and Evictions for Us

A Report From Roosevelt Field Mall By Mark Lesseraux I was in Roosevelt Field mall last night. I was not there to shop. The mall was completely packed with people. Between 65 to 75% of these people were wearing masks…

Climate Chaos Amidst the Pandemic: 5 Years After Paris

It’s been five years since the Paris Climate Agreement was signed, defining the entirely voluntary, unenforceable plan to avert global climate chaos. “We are still not going in the right direction,” United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said this week, addressing…

Intellectual Property Monopolies Block Vaccine Access

By Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram Just before the World Health Assembly (WHA), an 18 May open letter by world leaders and experts urged governments to ensure that all COVID-19 vaccines, treatments and tests are patent-free, fairly distributed and available to all, free of…

Amazing things happen when you refuse to embarrass your opponent

Winning feels good — so good in fact that it can be easy in the moment to forget how bad losing feels. Losing is especially painful after a conflict in which one is fully committed, when one’s skin is definitively…

Experience a Parliament of Planetary Citizenship in 2021?

Several global networks in search of Multiconvergence met on 05.12.20 to discuss, under the coordination of Convivialism Transnational, the proposal to create a Parliament of Planetary Citizenship. Mobilized by the networks, about 60 people from different countries like Brazil (from…

What the international press did not understand about the demonstrations in Peru

What happened in Peru was not ‘just another emergency’ As a Peruvian living in Germany, the main way for me to find out what was going on in Peru was through Peruvian social networks and the Peruvian press. The coverage…

Mitch McConnell Wants to Let Corporations Kill You Without Consequence

This is beyond immoral. This is ghastly, and should have been at the top of every news story in America for the past six months. By Thom Hartmann Probably the most under-reported story of the year has been how Mitch…

What the US Constitution Specifies about Choosing the New President, How it is Stacked against the People

By Stansfield Smith Regardless of the traditional bluster about the Founding Fathers and the world historic nature of the US Constitution, the electoral system it set up to choose a new president is far from democratic. We now find Trump…

Where Did the War on Cancer Come From?

Did you ever wonder whether Western culture focuses on destroying rather than preventing cancer, and talks about it with all the language of a war against an enemy, just because that’s how this culture does things, or whether the approach…

27 Things You Can Do to Let There Be Peace on Earth

1. Reports on the climate collapse have stopped in some cases the nonsense talk about needing the United States to “lead,” and even gone beyond urging it to get out of last place, and begun demanding that it do its…

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