

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies In 2004, journalist Ron Susskind quoted a Bush White House advisor, reportedly Karl Rove, as boasting, “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.” He dismissed Susskind’s…

A Population Between A Sword And A Wall

“My heart is Democratic but my brain is kind of Republican.” – Jamie Dimon (Multi-billionaire, Chief CEO of JPMorgan Chase Bank) By Mark Lesseraux Many people in the US and around the globe are expressing surprise these days at what…

Myanmar Looks Back in Fear and Anger after Military Coup

As night fell on Tuesday, the second day of the military coup in Myanmar, two familiar scenes were being played out on opposite sides of the world. In New York the international community, in the form of the UN Security…

US Economy Excels at One Thing: Producing Massive Inequality

To solve the extreme inequality of US capitalism requires systemic change, an end to capitalism pitting employers against employees. By Richard D. Wolff To grasp the sheer magnitude of US economic inequality in recent years, consider its two major stock…

“America Is Our Religion”

The Founding Myth and Christian Nationalism Intersect By Zoe Sullivan “I contend that America is a religion…Our religious symbols are guns and dollar bills. We hold those symbols to be sacred,” the Rev. Dr. Emma Jordan-Simmons told me on inauguration…

Rosa Parks and Equal Rights

by Sally Dugman Rosa Parks learned to stand her ground for which she was hauled off to jail. This incident wasn’t the first time, nor the last time, that an Afro-American would be incarcerated for an act of civil disobedience. Her…

Enough ‘Blah Blah Blah’ From Global Elites, Greta Thunberg Declares at Digital Davos

“I’m only here to once again remind you of the emergency we are in. The crisis that you and your predecessors have created and inflicted upon us.” By Jessica Corbett In yet another fiery speech to attendees of an elite annual summit,…

IMF and Big Business for Universal Vaccination: Better Red than Dead

The me-first policy on vaccine sharing will bring losses of $203 billion to $5 trillion to rich countries, while the returns are the highest if they support global universal vaccination. Prabir Purkayastha The world seems to have turned topsy turvy…

January 6, 2021

In the past few months, I have written 13 articles on social issues that have arisen from what I call the culture of the “White-West.” Then, January 6th happened. The Hill published an article a few days later titled “Pelosi…

The COVID-19 Pandemic Can’t Be Managed—It Has to Be Eradicated

The real answer to our dire situation is maddeningly obvious: adopt a strong elimination strategy rather than trying to chaotically manage a disease that is overwhelming us. By Sonali Kolhatkar For millions of Americans who believe that COVID-19 is real,…

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