

Towards Integral Health

By Jorge Pompei If we understand the human being as a multidimensional being where the biological, the psychological and the spiritual form a unit, in structure with a natural and social environment, then health will be the result of a…

Elections in Catalonia: What Now?

By Joaquín Roy The recent result of the elections for the Parliament of Catalonia has presented a mixture of repetition of certain previous aspects and some spectacular novelties. But the everlasting dimension of any parliamentary confrontation of the proportional variant…

A New Cold War with China

U.S.-Chinese relations will determine humanity’s fate. This applies to the increasingly dangerous arms race and military confrontations, the intense economic and technological competition, and the current absence of disarmament, pandemic, or climate change collaborations. How we respond to and shape…

The Texas Climate and Energy Phenomena

As millions of people in the South find themselves without power for a third day due to record-breaking winter storms, some have wondered why Texas isn’t turning to other states for help. To answer this, there are two important points…

How Anthropology Can Change the Future

By Rebecca Diers – SUNY Cortland Before going to college, I had never been exposed to anthropology in all my years of prior education. As I began to take courses in it, I was shocked that this wasn’t a more…

Time to Negotiate for Peace in Space!

By Alice Slater for InDepthNews. The US mission to dominate and control the military use of space has been, historically and at present, a major obstacle to achieving nuclear disarmament and a peaceful path to preserve all life on earth.…

Western Sahara: the Moroccan monarchy and Polisario, a frozen conflict

Western Sahara is a desert territory populated by nomadic tribes, which has never been organized into a Nation-state. A territory of 266 000 km2 in northwestern Africa, bordered by Morocco to the north, Algeria to the northeast, Mauritania to the east and…

Galindo: COVID-19 unearths ghosts of Spain’s ‘dirty war’

Enrique Rodríguez Galindo died on February 13, 2021, with COVID-19, at 82 years of age. The former general of Spain’s gendarmerie force, the Guardia Civil, Rodríguez Galindo headed the garrison of Intxaurrondo in the Basque city of Donostia-San Sebastián in the 1980s…

The Middle East: Is there light at the end of the Long Corridor?

By Marc Finaud, Tony Robinson, and Mona Saleh[i]. Recent developments in the Middle East and the arrival of the Biden administration offer unique opportunities to improve regional security. However, obstacles on the way to such progress have far from disappeared.…

Blank Vote in a Democracy

Revolution of the Mind Series By Andreas C Chrysafis A paper for debate and discussion Original article published on March 19, 2018 and revised on December 16, 2020 Preamble Following the results of several elections in western democracies, they reveal…

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