

Universality or Fighting Over Scraps

Why should rich people get pandemic survival checks? Why shouldn’t descendants of enslaved people get reparations payments? Why should someone who doesn’t go to college pay taxes to make college free? Why should smokers get health coverage? Why should someone…

Academia: Why African Researchers Keep Distance Away From COVID-19

With estimated 1.3 billion population and huge resources, Africa still lags behind development, science and technology. Without its own manufactured vaccine, Africa now depends on the World Health Organization-backed equitable vaccine distribution network COVAX facility to fight the coronavirus pandemic.…

Invitation: Parliament of Planetary Citizenship

The discussion about the need to create a global governance of the common Earth starting from the peoples has been going on for a long time. Initiatives in this direction already exist and are very welcome. Saturday, 03/27/2021 02:00 PM…

Chronicle of the Ordinary Giants n°1

A few days ago, on March 11, we celebrated the “1 year” of our global and official entry into the pandemic (subsequently qualified as an epidemic, that’s another story). When I say “we”, it is really us, all humans, humanity. One year…

The pope in Iraq

The Pope’s decision to visit Mesopotamia must be carefully considered, given the complexity of the geopolitical issues of the Near and Middle East. The Pope went to a place that is the scene of a geopolitical clash, where there are…

Not just Atlanta, but also Victoria, B.C.

Acknowledging the racism and white supremacy embedded in Canadian society Written by Nevin Thompson This article was adapted from a personal essay originally published on Facebook and Medium. On Wednesday, March 17, a terrible mass shooting in Atlanta, Georgia killed…

The Latest Lies About Russia

By David Swanson Things that we now know are not actually true: Russia impacted the U.S. election results in 2016 or 2020. Russia hacked into U.S. election machines. The recent U.S. government report alleging election interference contained any evidence of anything. The…

A Divided U.S. and the Dangers of Misdirected Anger

By David Swanson Many people in the United States, as in many other places, are getting angrier. This would be a good thing if they all understood whom they should be angry at and the superiority of nonviolent activism to stupid, futile violence. They…

‘LGBTQ rights have become a litmus test in Palestinian society’

The growing visibility of queer Palestinians poses a challenge to Arab political parties that are exploiting homophobia ahead of the Israeli election, says attorney and activist Fady Khoury. By Edo Konrad The Palestinian LGBTQ community isn’t used to being at…

Brazil: Social Contagion Knocks on the Door

By Paulo Henrique Martins Art often anticipates historical trends not yet revealed. We can exemplify with the film “Contagion” (2011) directed by Soderbergh. The film deals with the spread of a virus that, like Covid 19, would have emerged in…

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