

Rejecting the Facade: Unveiling the Ecological Toll of War and Genocide

As Earth Day approaches, prepare for the annual spectacle of U.S. lawmakers donning their environmentalist hats, waxing poetic about their love for the planet while disregarding the devastation their actions wreak. The harsh reality is that alongside their hollow pledges…

Non-sexist education: a protective factor against violence against women

On 6 March, the Chamber of Deputies approved the bill “Establishing Measures to prevent, condemn and eradicate gender-based violence against women” in the third constitutional process. A few days later, the Constitutional Court rejected a request by a group of…

The North American Peace Movement at an Inflection Point

The North American peace movement is contesting ongoing US wars in Ukraine and Palestine and preparations for war with China. Out of the fog of these wars, a clear anti-imperialist focus is emerging. Giving peace a chance has never been…

Electoral engineering versus democracy

The Chilean case is a true expression of the fact that democracy is not just about holding periodic elections. On the contrary, the fundamental preoccupation of political parties can become a real obstacle to the genuine exercise of popular sovereignty.…

Interview: Colonel Matos Gomes on the Carnation Revolution

This article is part of the series “50 Years After: Long Live the Carnation Revolution”, published by Pressenza since mid-March 2024. The “Carnation Revolution” of 1974-75 brought freedom to the Portuguese after 48 years of fascism and independence to the…

Lord Mallinatha, Goddess Padmavati and the Jain feminism

Whether the Jain philosophy and the related treatises were written from the perspective of Vedic or Sramanic tradition or whether those were the result of the mélange between the local and the Vedic elements that gradually happened over centuries –…

The sacred right to asylum

What stupid arguments the defenders of the current Ecuadorian government come up with. All tyrannies, all anti-democratic governments, make criminal accusations against their opponents. In Chile, all of us, or almost all of us, who have taken asylum have faced…

The Death of Paris ‘15

The Paris Climate Agreement of 2015 set the standards for how nation/states must approach the net zero target year 2050 by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in stages, starting with major reductions by 2030. Paris ’15 is dead. According to a…

Health Day and Victims Day

9 April 2024, El Espectador On 7 April 1948, the World Health Organisation was founded, and on 9 April Jorge Eliécer Gaitán was assassinated. The 7th was established as World Health Day and the 9th was the Day of Remembrance…

The Decline of Extreme Poverty

One of the foremost accomplishments of the industrial age is the “immense progress against extreme poverty.” “Extreme poverty” is defined by the World Bank as a person living on less than $2.15 per day using 2017 prices. This figure has…

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