

“There is no justice for indigenous communities. That is the reality.”

On the 11th of August of 1994, section 17 (1) of the new article 75 which recognised the pre-existing indigenous villages, their culture, and the right of occupancy and property of their ancestral lands among others, was unanimously approved by…

Why We Need to Democratize Wealth—The U.S. Capitalist Model Breeds Selfishness and Resentment

Throughout its history—wherever it arrived and settled in as the dominant economic system—capitalism provoked struggles over the redistribution of wealth. In other words, this system always distributes wealth in a particular way and likewise produces dissatisfaction with that particular distribution.…

It’s Past Time to End U.S. Funding of Israeli Violence

What else could billions of American tax dollars buy instead of innocent deaths? By Sonali Kolhatkar At the end of 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic was continuing to ravage the populations of many nations, Israel stood out as a success…

What The New Acceptability of the Lab Leak Origin Tells Us About Media Outlets

Have you noticed that a lot of science writers have lately been saying that they were perfectly right a year ago to mock and condemn even considering a lab leak origin for Coronavirus but that now it’s perfectly proper to admit that Coronavirus may very well have come from a lab? It seems to be largely a question…

29th of May: First meeting of the Council of Wisdoms of the Earth’s Peoples

The Multiconvergence of Global Networks (MRG) is an articulation that aggregates global networks for mutual support, dialogue, development of common strategies and planning of joint actions. It is not an institution, but a confluence of global civil society networks that…

Families start urban occupation in search of new horizons in Campos

Within the coronavirus pandemic and a progressive reduction in social investments at the municipal, state and national levels, hundreds of families begin the largest urban occupation reported in the recent history of the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes, the largest…

US Trying to Extradite Venezuelan Diplomat for the ‘Crime’ of Securing Food for the Hungry: The Case of Alex Saab v. The Empire

The case of Alex Saab raises dangerous precedents in terms of extraterritorial judicial abuse, violation of diplomatic status, and even the use of torture to extract false confessions. This is according to Montréal-based international human rights lawyer John Philpot. He…

Chile is Reborn by a (Political) Earthquake that Emerged from the Streets

By Patricio Zamorano* What happened in Chile this past weekend seems to be one of those historic events that cannot but follow its inexorable course. It is like an enormous, powerful tsunami wave whose size cannot be appreciated on the…

The fun is over…the people called a halt

The recent defeat of the economic elite and their political allies has installed the people as the protagonists of the immediate future of our country. The 18-0 rebellion and the approval of a new Constitution fuelled the popular triumph, which…

Why Colombia’s unrest will not stop soon

The demonstrations in Colombia were triggered by the proposal for a new tax reform that sought to raise money for the economic recovery generated as a result of the pandemic. A reform that, among other things, planned to tax the…

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