

Art in Search of Humanity

Individually I consider myself an optimist, but collectively I am an absolute pessimist. We have no choice but to continue working, in the hope that culture, education and tolerance will be weapons of mass construction with which to confront violence…

Goodbye to an AUMF

With the U.S. House voting and the U.S. Senate promising to vote on repealing an AUMF (Authorization for the Use of Military Force) from 2002 (essentially a sort of weasely pseudo-permission for President George W. Bush to decide on his…

Colombia burns: it’s not about “tax reform”, it’s about hunger and dignity

By Amerika21 The millions of poor in an enormously rich country can no longer bear to choose between very little and nothing. They have very little to lose. The tax reform proposal of 2021 was the straw that broke the camel’s back.…

Beware Atlantic Charters

The last time the U.S. President and UK Prime Minister announced an “Atlantic Charter” it happened in secret, without public involvement, without Congress or Parliament. It laid out plans for shaping the world upon the conclusion of a war that…

There Is No Labor Shortage, Only Labor Exploitation

Conservatives and corporate employers are weaving an insidious web of myths, lies and exaggerations to justify maintaining low-wage jobs. By Sonali Kolhatkar For the past few months, Republicans have been waging a ferocious political battle to end federal unemployment benefits,…

The rebellion of the Latin American peoples and the future

The historic victory of Pedro Castillo as president-elect of Peru strengthens in geopolitical terms the wing of progressive and left-wing governments and the actions of regional integration of a sovereign and supportive nature in the region. Beyond the virulent counter-attack…

Leaving The Matrix Part 1 – Dualism Is Dead

One Hundred Forty Years Ago About one hundred forty years ago the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche made his infamous announcement “God is Dead”. In the century that followed, Nietzsche’s brash declaration was often misinterpreted by both scholars and the public alike.…

A World Beyond War or No World at All

Remarks on June 7, 2021, to North Texas Peace Advocates. By David Swanson In a world beyond war, . . . death, injury, and trauma from violence would be radically reduced, homelessness and immigration driven by fear would be largely…

Rural Teacher Pedro Castillo Poised to Write a New Chapter in Peru’s History

With his wide-brimmed peasant hat and oversized teacher’s pencil held high, Peru’s Pedro Castillo has been traveling the country exhorting voters to get behind a call that has been particularly urgent during this devastating pandemic: “No más pobres en un…

Bill Gates Almost Single-Handedly Derailed the Plan That Could Have Led to a ‘People’s Vaccine’

For all his philanthropy, Gates is deeply committed to protecting the rights of patent holders. By Linda McQuaig Hard to believe now, but in the first few months of the pandemic it looked like the world was going to act…

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