

Why the Neoliberal Drive to Privatize Everything Is Running Out of Gas

Most Chileans recently voted out the remnants of military dictator Augusto Pinochet, along with Milton Friedman’s policies and many U.S. interventions. They are at work on a radically new Constitution. In the United States, former President Donald Trump and President…

Guided Missiles, Misguided Policies, and Changing Direction Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love WWIII

By David Swanson, Remarks for Peace and Justice Works, June 24, 2021 Thank you for inviting me. I’d like to speak briefly and spend a good deal of time on Q&A. I’d like to start by considering this question: If it’s…

Vaccine Apartheid and the Delta Variant

The term “delta” in science and mathematics denotes a difference, or a gap; as in the delta between two values. In geography, a delta is where a river meets the sea, spreading out, covering the most area in its course.…

IHP on International Refugee Day: “Bridges not walls”.

Refugees and displaced persons are neither pariahs nor illegals Today is the day that the UN has set since 2001, to make the situation of refugees and displaced persons in the world especially visible. The date was set in commemoration…

We must refuse the Europeanization of French deterrence through the FCAS

·       Mounir Satouri (Greens/EFA, EELV) ·       Jordi Solé i Ferrando (Greens/EFA, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya) ·       Diana Riba i Giner (Greens/EFA, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya) ·       Özlem Demirel (GUE, Die Linke)   Germany, Spain and France have entered, these past few…

Biden Has a Chance to Oversee Biggest River Restoration Project in U.S. History

Removing four dams would promote salmon recovery, clean energy, agriculture and Indigenous rights. By Amy Souers Kober It’s hard to put into words what wild salmon mean to the Pacific Northwest. They are the heartbeat of the region’s rivers, and…

Antonio Carvallo’s Interview for Pressenza

Antonio Carvallo’s interview done for the opening of Pressenza’s International  meeting in June 2021. The discussion was conducted by Nelsy Lizarazo and  translated simultaneously in 6 languages. Nelsy Lizarazo is a co-director at Pressenza and Colombian, living in Quito, Ecuador.…

Leaving The Matrix Part 2 – The Double Meaning Of The Meaning Of Life

Note I use the terms “Universal Consciousness” and “Mind-At-Large” synonymously in this article. Meaning And Meaning The word “meaning” has a double meaning. On one hand it has to do with purpose, with goals, with the objectives of life. On…

Mega, Super Mega, Ultra-Super Mega

There is a growing trend in the consumer market that bigger is better. The spread of larger and still larger has leaked its way into almost every corner of our world. I recently noticed a virtually unchanged commodity getting caught…

Making Juneteenth a holiday was the easy part — but will real justice follow?

The horrors of slavery and the harms from subsequent racial injustices cannot be met with symbolic gestures like holidays. Real restitution must come in the form of reparations—which neither party seems interested in. By Sonali Kolhatkar After the United States…

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