

If You Grew Up With the U.S. Blockade as a Cuban, You Might Understand the Recent Protests Differently

During the early morning of July 17, Johana Tablada joined tens of thousands of Cubans as they gathered along the Malecón boulevard in Havana to stand with the Cuban Revolution. “We are human beings who live, work, suffer, and struggle…

We go on… and it will be beautiful

The results of the primary elections have made Apruebo Dignidad the largest political and social coalition in the country, which could allow – for the first time since 1990 – a left-wing pact to have a real chance of becoming…

War Powers Reform Bill Far Better Than Feared

Senators Murphy, Lee, and Sanders have introduced legislation to address Congressional and Presidential war powers. (See bill text, press release, one pager, video of press conference, op-ed, and Politico article). In recent months, we’ve seen efforts to repeal some but not other AUMFs (Authorizations for the Use…

The United States Underestimates China’s Economic Challenge at Its Own Peril

This is not a moment for rose-tinted glasses. By Richard D. Wolff The economy of the People’s Republic of China has been growing much faster than that of the United States for decades. So too has China’s average real wage.…

20 Years of U.S. Occupation Was Brutal in Afghanistan—And So Will Be the Exit

Alongside the relief of ending the longest war in modern American history, we need to acknowledge the horrors of what we are leaving behind in Afghanistan. By Sonali Kolhatkar When a reporter in early July asked Joe Biden a question…

US Targets Nicaraguan Presidential Election: Former Solidarity Activists Echo Imperial Talking Points

Before Henry Kissinger became a Clinton pal, liberals condemned him for saying: “I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important…

How Not to Prevent U.S. Military Suicides

If I were to just read the admirable recent study of U.S. military suicides from the Costs of War Project, my inclination would immediately be to join with President Biden and start proclaiming the war on Afghanistan a success, or with Obama…

Nuclear Weapons Have Always Been Illegal; It’s Long Past Time to Abolish Them

“History is written by the victors. Thus, the heinous massacre that was Hiroshima has been handed down to us as a perfectly justified act of war…. It is clear that the use of nuclear weapons, which cause indiscriminate mass murder…

Letter to the end-of-the-world generation

It is in solidarity with you who today view the adult world with apprehension and wonder about the future that I write this text. I ask for your permission to offer my experience as a History teacher and researcher on…

Trapped, between the Right that won’t and the Left that can’t

In recent times we have been witnessing a dangerous polarisation of political and ideological camps all over the world, and particularly in Latin America. The different positions are becoming more radical, moving down the path of verbal violence, disqualification and…

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