

Milei’s scatological politics

The uncalled-for, insulting, and scatological expressions often used by Argentine president Javier Milei to disqualify his opponents, in a permanent tirade unprecedented in a presidential figure, try to hide the massive popular mobilizations that mark the thermometer of the unease…

It has been proven that wars do not resolve conflicts.

For those who create wars, there are no days or nights, no summers or winters; what matters is to show dark areas where birds of prey fly over corpses. The images they show us are of devastation. Only in this…

Debt Dollars – The Unused Leverage

U.S. Treasuries or War Bonds? When U.S. taxpayers protest the use of their tax dollars to continually fund wars, the assumption is only 67% correct, as of the Second Fiscal Semester 2024 [1]. By Adil Aboobakar, CFA, World BEYOND War,…

Ocean Heat Pummels the Great Barrier Reef, Again

It’s never been so bad. The Great Barrier Reef, which is one of nature’s most iconic mosaics of biodiversity, is on the ropes because of extreme global warming. Coral bleaching at the World Heritage-listed reef is “experiencing its worst mass…

Modi Could Squander an Unprecedented Chance at Normalizing India-Pakistan Ties

Mired in economic and internal crises, Pakistan is primed for normalization and trade with India—but Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist government is failing to seize the chance By Salman Rafi Sheikh When Narendra Modi returned to power for a second term…

The Gaza Flotilla To Set Sail While Blinken Attempts To Take Focus From Israeli/US Genocide of Gaza

While I am in Istanbul, Turkiye with hundreds of international participants from 40 countries who are attempting to sail in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla to break the illegal Israeli naval blockade of Gaza and bring food and medicine to starving…

Rethinking Global Peace: Addressing Militarization and the Future of Governance

Global military spending surges amid war, rising tensions, and insecurity. New data on global military spending from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has been released. (Stockholm, 22 April 2024) Total global military expenditure reached $2443 billion in 2023,…

Chronicle of a euthanasia foretold

The press of the civilized world, with its usual “humanity”, tells the story of a young Dutch woman, Zoraya ter Beeke, who will die in May this year, “fulfilling her right to a dignified death”, when she will be euthanized,…

We have always migrated, “children of the earth”.

Introduction In ancient times, in the Stone Age, people had to move from one place to another to move their herds seasonally in search of fresh pasture and water. Transhumance was common in those days. There were no borders, no…

Herbert Marcuse – New Left Revival?

World events serve as a stage of constant search for how best to construct and maintain society, which is an underlying theme of some decades ago found in the works of Herbert Marcuse, 1898–1979, a German-American philosopher of prominent fame…

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