

How to be a girl…

…And don’t die trying: Motherhood should not be part of your childhood. One of the most devastating consequences of the helplessness of girls in our countries is early motherhood. In Guatemala, for example, the number of pregnancies and births at…

Indigenous peoples and the Bellido Plan: rhetoric, gaps and dangers

Source: Servindi. 1 September 2021. By Roberto Espinoza* Prime Minister Guido Bellido’s message contains five references to indigenous peoples, but they remain “rhetorical and symbolic” because they do not include concrete measures in favour of their rights and historical aspirations.…

The Police Killing of Elijah McClain and His Mother’s Pursuit of Justice

“I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe please. I can’t breathe, please.” These words were recorded by the body cameras of Aurora, Colorado police as they assaulted a slight, 23-year-old African American man who was on the short walk home from…

The memory we mourn

30 August 2021. The Spectator We knew they were going to kill him. We knew that in Colombia then and now, a professor who asks more questions than he answers, a doctor who is pained by his patients’ hunger and…

Around the Afghan chaos induced by the war

There are many things we don’t know about Afghanistan, many more than we do. So, we enter a realm of assumptions, based on sources more or less interested in telling us their truth. I don’t think it escapes anyone’s notice…

The leadership of the new generation

New and old generations of the left have rallied around the presidential candidacy of Gabriel Boric. The young have opened the avenues and the old are following them. A new country is being heralded in which justice and equality should…

Cooperatives and employment generation

In a few weeks the political campaign will begin and, without a doubt, a central issue will be the generation of employment in the country. As is often the case, many politicians will turn their attention to the cooperative sector,…

Education is not a factory of automatons

Nolfa Ibañez, an academic at the Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencia de la Educación (UMCE), has just been awarded the National Education Prize (Chile) 2021 for her significant contribution to the knowledge and development of special education. From this area of…

What the War of Terror Has Cost Us So Far

Malika Ahmadi, two, died in a U.S. drone strike on Kabul today, her family says. Has the war of 20 years cost us the ability to care? The war on Afghanistan and the war on Iraq that it was a means…

Afghanistan: The End of the Occupation

Nancy Lindisfarne and Jonathan Neale write: A lot of nonsense about Afghanistan is being written in Britain and the United States. Most of this nonsense hides a number of important truths. First, the Taliban have defeated the United States. Second, the Taliban have…

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