

OP-ED: What lies ahead for the Taliban?

Economy, hunger, drought, poverty are challenges the Taliban now faces While world leaders and international organizations are eagerly awaiting for the chicken to hatch from the Taliban’s government, they have begun to implement the Islamic Sharia to govern the nation…

9/11 Too late to honor those killed?

Everyone alive then has a story of this moment. On that clear September morning walking along 4th Street to where I worked, St. Vincents, in minutes to become the nearest operating Hospital, I heard the first jetliner filled with loved…

On 9/11, It’s Time for a Reckoning and Reflection of Decades of Failed U.S. National Security Policy

A reckoning with America’s failed national security policy is long overdue. By Katrina vanden Heuvel Our calamitous misadventures in the Middle East and the global financial collapse of 2008 dramatically exposed the bankruptcy and failures of the bipartisan establishment consensus.…

The sunshine of being alive

7 September 2021. The Spectator Not all suns are the same. For example, this one today in the hospital, came mixed with the light of half past four, and a lot of interrogations; it is almost surreal to see how…

Revenge for 9/11 Didn’t Work and Never Will

This year’s 9/11 commemoration opens the door for a new analysis of what went wrong with the US strategy in Afghanistan. At the beginning of August, President Biden ordered a pull out of US troops and negotiated with the Taliban…

Why should Myanmar Strengthen its Relations with Bangladesh?

by Pathik Hasan Myanmar, which is also known as Burma, is one of the closest neighbors of Bangladesh. Before the Second World War, many people from Bangladesh used to travel to Burma in search of livelihood. Since then, the people…

Rethinking a Sustainable Solution to the Rohingya Crisis: Limits of WB’s Proposal

by Kazi Jamshed Washington-based global lender the World Bank, through concessional lending arms, has gone to bat for Bangladesh to foster its development initiatives since 1972; committing more than $30 billion by backing priorities in economic, social and infrastructural development.…

For its survival, Iranian mullah regime resorts to human rights violations

by Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury While a section of experts on Iran say, in 2020, Iranian people have witnessed the “most violations” of their rights by the cruel Iranian regime. In my opinion, following Ebrahim Raisi, the mass murderer and…

“Old” and “new” challenges to Brazilian citizenship

In Brazil, the interests of large estates have driven the state’s agenda of priorities for many centuries. These include the maintenance of slavery until the end of the 19th century, the absence of labour rights in the countryside for most…

What Ending a War Could Look Like

When you imagine ending a war, do you imagine the U.S. President lamenting the human cost of the war’s financial expense while simultaneously demanding that Congress increase military spending — and while mentioning new wars that could potentially be launched?…

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