

The homeland of the undocumented

After the siege, the homeland becomes a perennial longing. The undocumented know this more than anyone else. It becomes that old letter of paper torn by so much folding and unfolding. It is in the memory of rainy days, of…

The absent ones

Violence against women is a manifestation of an eternal war for power. The dominance of patriarchy is the dark mark of an atavistic struggle, through which women try to conquer their independence – each time with better weapons – and…

Winners of ‘Talibanistan’

by Saleem Samad Dhaka, Bangladesh: Outspoken physicist Prof Pervez Hoodbhoy is based in Pakistan. In his popular column in the Dawn newspaper, published from Karachi says that Russia and the United States are squarely responsible for Afghanistan’s tragedy but Pakistan…

Current education inhibits identity development

Education systems have undergone a great change in the last 40 years. Along with the massification of supply, education has become dehumanised, strongly influenced by mercantilist logics that have associated quality only with cognitive learning. The focus on subjects and…

The crucifixion of the pianist and enlightened corruption

At the very moment when the media pack is alone in the dubious enterprise of tearing apart the image of the unfortunate Rodrigo Rojas Vade, an episode that is so well oiled in the strategy of delegitimising and discrediting the…

The renunciation of war and the conflict in Afghanistan

After all that has been written about the conflict and the withdrawal of NATO troops in Afghanistan, World without Wars and Violence Chile emphatically declares that a definitive end to the wars is the only way to stop the violence…

Lies are also the daughter of impunity

The deception perpetrated by a constituent, who in order to be elected made the electorate believe that he had terminal cancer, and even disguised himself as a serious patient, is undoubtedly one of the most severe embarrassments of our politics.…

WHIF: White Hypocritical Imperial Feminism

In 2002, U.S. women’s groups sent a joint letter to then-President George W. Bush in support of the war on Afghanistan to benefit women. Gloria Steinem (formerly of the CIA), Eve Ensler, Meryl Streep, Susan Sarandon, and many others signed.…

Iranian people are constantly rising up to overthrow the illegitimate regime

by Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury The existential enemy of the Iranian regime are the Iranian people. The regime is deadly afraid of them. It tries to prop up terrorist proxies across the region to project power. But it is severely…

African Countries should Support Bangladesh to Solve Rohingya Refugee Crisis

by Pathik Hasan For decades, Myanmar has gone through extreme cruelty to the Rohingya. Never cared about the law. This is the first time that Gambia, a small African country, has taken Myanmar to the International Court of Justice for…

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