

Joe David: “War ~ in Ethiopia got me thinking”

Joe David, a community leader for Ethiopians in Korea, a migrant himself and naturalized citizen, has a background in diplomacy and studied masters at Yonsei University in Seoul. And, he has been working for a long time in legal, international…

Argentina: Rights, foreign debt and a colonised judiciary

Law has served to create civilisations and also to colonise and subjugate peoples. By Miguel Julio Rodríguez Villafañe Likewise, we must bear in mind, as essential and fundamental, that the basic right of our people is nourished by human rights,…

Chile: institutional violence (II)

Unfortunately, institutional violence has accompanied us throughout almost all of our republican history. Ever since the bloody battle of Lircay imposed an extremely authoritarian and conservative de facto order, well disguised in the Constitution of 1833. As Diego Portales himself…

Peru: Mysticism and religiosity in Lima

In the Lima of “all bloods”, where the most cosmopolitan trends coexist with popular and religious traditions rooted in the heritage of our pre-Hispanic ancestors, there is a transversal component to the lives of the people of Lima: religiosity, always…

50 years ago Brazil planned to invade Uruguay in 30 hours, if the Frente Amplio won

A series of declassified US documents added details to the so-called “Operation 30 Hours”, the plan hatched by the Brazilian dictatorship in 1971, half a century ago, to invade Uruguay if the leftist Frente Amplio coalition won the elections that…

The NPT Review Conference: Finally, New York, January 2022

“We now have the opportunity to carry out the important work of the Review Conference and to ensure the NPT maintains its place as the cornerstone of the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime and an essential pillar of international peace…

Understanding Russia’s Special Interest Within The Context Of Power Shift In Sudan

Whether it was “a coup or not a coup” by definition, description or explanation, what happened October 25 was simply a power shift or appropriately a political power grab under gun point (unconstitutional change of government and state power) in…

Fearful Times

Undoubtedly, fear guides many behaviours, actions and decisions, and those who manipulate it are well aware of this. Fear can be expressed in many ways, via anxiety, stress, shock, phobia, and in extreme cases, panic. Fear warns us, warns us…

Stop attack on the mosques in Afghanistan

by Hafizur Talukdar A suicide bomber has killed at least 50 people at a Shi’ite mosque in Afghanistan’s northeastern province of Kunduz, shortly after Friday prayers. It is the deadliest attack in the country since the withdrawal of US-led foreign…

Who Will Bear the Financial Burden of Rohingyas?

by Kazi Jamshed As of July 2021, only $366 million of the total required, around $1 billion, humanitarian assistance fund for the Rohingyas has been disbursed. The disbursement has declined to 34 percent, which used to be within the range…

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