

Chile: The trivialisation of human rights

In Chile, on the occasion of the upcoming elections, worrying conceptions of human rights (HR) have surfaced. Conceptions that trivialise them, with extreme lightness. From the hard left, particularly those who tend to be behind Artés’ candidacy, there are those…

The climate, ecological and human health crisis Human beings as a central value?

By: Doris Balvin [1] The current state of the global environmental situation and those responsible. Talking about the global environmental situation, within the framework of the Open World Meeting of New Humanism, entitled “The human being as a central value”,…

Rohingya Crisis: Won’t the Issue be resolved?

by Hafizur Talukdar Almost four years have passed. But the Rohingya issue was not resolved. There is not much movement in Rohingya as various issues have been created in the country. The Rohingya people started fleeing from Myanmar to Bangladesh…

Front-of-pack food labeling: the origin of a social movement with the name of a woman

The 26th of October will be remembered as the day when front-of-package food labelling finally became law to achieve something that seemed utopian: that people know what they are consuming, and decide about it. The most named and praised person…

At UN Climate Summit, It’s People Power vs. Fossil Fuel Dinosaurs

The United Nations climate summit known as COP26 has convened in Glasgow, Scotland after being delayed a year by the COVID-19 pandemic. The COP is a proceeding of the UNFCCC–the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. But the United…

How the Wealthiest Countries Schemed to Avoid Economic Commitments at COP26

The G20, an exclusive club of mostly wealthy nations, met just before the COP26 in Glasgow and paid little more than lip service to the world’s leading problems, while preserving their own financial dominance. By Sonali Kolhatkar Heads of state…

The international community can learn a lot from Bangladesh’s ‘Humanity’

by Hafizur Talukdar The Father of the Nation of Bangladesh, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, pledged to stand by the oppressed and downtrodden people of the world in his foreign policy. The humanity that our current Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has…

Boric’s programme ensures social stability

There are four factors of the current neoliberal model that generate instability and violence in the country and, at the same time, limit economic progress: discrimination against women; environmental deterioration; economic and political centralism; and indecent work. Boric’s proposal seeks…

NINIS. The Gender Gap and the Asymmetry between Education and the Labour Market

The National Employment Survey for the mobile quarter July – September 2021 that was presented by the National Statistics Institute (INE) provides us with interesting information regarding young people between 15 and 24 years of age who are not studying…

No empty slogans needed in addressing climate change: China’s UN envoy

Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the United Nations (UN), said on Tuesday that tackling climate change needs firm commitment and continued actions, not empty slogans. Zhang wrote on Twitter that in addressing climate change, what the world doesn’t need…

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