

Bhutan and Bangladesh can Benefit from Growing Trade Ties

by Pathik Hasan South Asian neighbors Bangladesh and Bhutan have a harmonious relationship on the strength of their mutual interest, shared history and culture. On December 6, 1971, Bhutan and India became the first countries to recognize the independence of…

Burned-out Forests Are Not Re-Growing

Trees are not re-growing in burned-out forests. This strange occurrence is becoming more frequent as global warming turns verdant flora into flammable tinder, causing more and bigger wild forests fires. This article will examine the science behind the failure of…

Chile: Quo Vadis?

Chile, the best economy in Latin America, the one that has made the most important changes in its indicators in the last 35 years, related to growth, GDP, foreign investment, opening of markets, reduction of poverty, is now thinking about…

From AIDS to Omicron, Pharmaceutical Apartheid Hurts Us All

December 1st was World AIDS Day, marking forty years since symptoms were first reported. Over 36 million people have died worldwide from AIDS-related illnesses. The death rate is slowing as effective drug treatments gain wider distribution. But the inequity that…

The Same Children

30 November 2021. El Espectador “In Bogotá you turn on the tap and water comes out”, but in the village of Vuelta Acuña – in Cimitarra, between Yondó, Puerto Parra, Puerto Berrío and the Carare river – there is no…

Nepal should Play a Role in the Rohingya Refugee Crisis Solution

by Pathik Hasan   On the Rohingya issue (repatriation), Nepal and Bangladesh can work together. As a regional country, Nepal can and should play a role in resolving the issue as it is a regional problem for both South Asia…

November 25: the Silence of Men

On 25 November, the International Day of Nonviolence against Women was commemorated. Progress has been made in making visible femicides and those aggressions of high social connotation, but the violence that women in Chile experience on a daily basis is…

Nuclear arsenal and climate militarisation: An explosive mix

“…Don’t forget Of the rose of the rose Of the rose of Hiroshima The hereditary rose The radioactive rose Stupid and invalid The rose with cirrhosis The anti-atomic rose Without colour without perfume Without rose without anything”. (Vinícius de Moraes)…

COP26 from “Bla Bla Bla” to a Global Eco Civil Rights Movement

By Alejandro JARA WEITZMANN Dear friends, dear all, For two weeks we have been immersed in one of the most delicate forums for the future of mankind, vibrating with glimpses of hope but also danger along the road of complex…

Peru: Democracy and the dismissal of the government

Representatives of the opposition bench in the Peruvian Congress have openly called for the impeachment of the President of Peru, José Pedro Castillo Terrones, on the grounds that he is permanently morally unfit to govern and is causing political instability…

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