

Political instability and signs of alleged corruption in Peru

Peruvian President José Pedro Castillo Terrones took office on 28 July after defeating Keiko Fujimori, the candidate of the Fuerza Popular organisation, in a run-off election that was decided by less than one percent of the vote. Since then, the…

Public letter to President Boric

Dear Mr. President: I am writing to you as a member of that generation of communicators who poured their youth into the effort to break the information blockade imposed by the Pinochet dictatorship, denounce serious human rights violations and advocate…

Why do we change the year if nothing changes?

It is true that there is no single unit of measurement, but at least four to count the time it takes for the Earth to go around the Sun: the Julian or calendar year, the sidereal year, the mean tropical…

The President-elect’s first foreign policy decision

Mexican writer and diplomat Carlos Fuentes said: “To create you must be aware of traditions, but to maintain traditions you must create something new”. There is a foreign policy tradition in Chile whereby the outgoing President invites the President-elect to…

Surveillance Concerns: The Good, the Bad, and the Xenophobic

Thom Hartmann has written an enormous number of great books, and the latest is no exception. It’s called The Hidden History of Big Brother in America: How the Death of Privacy and the Rise of Surveillance Threaten Us and Our Democracy.…

A Proposal to Humanity: A Path to Surviving Today`s Megacrisis

After World War II it was widely believed that the formula for peace, dignity, and sustainable prosperity for every sister and brother in the human family, had been discovered.  The formula was often called “Development.”  Its ingredients included the steady…

Rare praise from Pakistan is recognition of Bangladesh’s surprising success story

by Pathik Hasan Before Bangladesh got its independence from Pakistan in 1971 after a bloody struggle, Pakistan had been exploiting then East Pakistan systematically and Islamabad’s economy was built on the money of the Bengali-majority areas. However, the newly independent…

At Long Last, Ban Weaponized Drones

Former President Barack Obama recently tweeted that the day of a school shooting was the worst day of his presidency. Well, it certainly shouldn’t have been a good day, but, seriously, what the filibuster? Was it a bad day because…

Overcoming the old with the new: Chile’s ballot box

When a new generation takes charge of the process of a country, when it resolves to enter politics despite the enormous institutional crisis, when it creates its own parties as new tools that no longer respond to the ideologies of…

Preparing for the next pandemic requires public health focused industrial policy

Every time that the world faces a major epidemic outbreak, we are reminded of how ill-prepared we are to effectively deal with the emergence of new infectious diseases. This is despite the fact that we know that another epidemic is…

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