


4 January 2022. The Spectator Colombia, fourth day of the year 2022. The notebook has 365 pages. They say that the pages are blank, but it is not true: they are tattooed with the emotions, illusions and disappointments of the…

Palestine 2021: the year apartheid went mainstream

What has the year 2021 meant for the struggle of the Palestinian people? At a glance, it may seem that the situation has only worsened, and this is indicated by the numbers of children and young people killed or imprisoned,…

Europe’s far right on the way to a ‘supergroup’

At the beginning of September, the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, announced on his Twitter account that Spain was the country chosen for the next summit of “patriotic and conservative European leaders” to be held this January. Poland was the…

Boric’s government and international priorities

Foreign policy does not have an autonomous purpose, but is a substantive component of any development strategy. The type of external openness that has characterised our country in the last forty years has been consistent with the productive model of…

Facing fears makes us freer

Fear is the bodily and/or psychological reaction to a thought that arises in the brain, based on past or imaginary experiences, when faced with the projection of the occurrence of an undesired event. It is an adaptive response for survival…

Eunice Foote: the science behind climate change has a woman’s name

This is an opinion piece by Ana García Page, PhD candidate in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics at the German Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, and José Ramón Ares, Professor of Physics at the Autonomous University of Madrid.…

Biomedical experts confirm link between longer life and physical activity

Longer lives are linked to physical activity, confirmed research released today, based on the assumption that humans evolved to remain active as they age. Exercise at older ages diverts energy away from processes that can compromise health and towards the…

Bright Green Lies Torpedoes Greens

Bright Green Lies (Monkfish Book Publishing, 2021) grumbles and growls like a rambunctious thunderstorm on an early spring day opening up darkened clouds of acid rain across the world of environmentalism, including celebrated personalities. According to Bright Green Lies authors…


28 December 2021. The Spectator Last column of 2021. This year, five million people died in the world on account of COVID-19, not including the suicidal who were not infected by the virus, but collapsed from isolation, hunger or abuse;…

2021 Latin America and the Caribbean in Review: The Pink Tide Rises Again

US policy towards Latin America and the Caribbean continued in a seamless transition from Trump to Biden, but the terrain over which it operated shifted left. The balance between the US drive to dominateits “backyard” and its counterpart, the Bolivarian…

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