

War is a disaster. Let’s build peace

The conflict situation in Ukraine, which affects a population already marked by years of suffering, has reached a breaking point and the risk of a war without winners and losers is becoming more tangible and real. With every hour that…

For lack of moral authority

At this point in history, nothing could seem more contrary to human dignity than war, the arms race and multi-billion-dollar military spending. Especially when there are so many millions of people still suffering from hunger, lack of housing and access…

The White-West is Back in Business

The West is back in business with a new war in Europe. After 60 years without real tension and no tanks on the streets (besides, Kosovo and Northern Ireland), the war machine is back in Ukraine. I’m not being sarcastic;…

Wars don’t start when the first bullets whistle

Every war is a disaster and an anachronism. There is no because that justifies the destruction of human life. By Javier Tolcachier But war does not begin when the first bullets whistle, but long before. War begins when astronomical sums…

Yanis Varoufakis: Europe Must Stand with Ukraine, Condemn Putin & Roll Back NATO to Restore Peace

President Putin is to blame for the Russian invasion of Ukraine but NATO must also be condemned for "creating the circumstances" for the crisis, says Greek Parliament member @YanisVaroufakis, who was formerly the finance minister of Greece. — Democracy…

Bullying: An argot to hide bullying?

In Chile and Latin America, we use English words, because it has been in the United States or England where concepts made invisible in our Spanish-speaking continent have been given relevance. Using words from another language hides their meaning until…

People! Please wake up before it’s too late.

The situation in Ukraine is bringing the world to the brink of a nuclear war. No matter whose propaganda you believe, the USA and Russia have over 10,000 nuclear weapons between them. Never forget that a war fought with even…

President Castillo to be presented with the Agenda Grande de la Amazonía Indígena

The Interethnic Association of the Peruvian Jungle (AIDESEP) announced the elaboration of the Great Agenda of the Indigenous Amazon that will be presented to the government to generate public policies in favour of the indigenous peoples. Among the main axes…

No need to destroy “the good” => for people “like us”: the yellows

This group nostalgic for the years of Concertación’s reign, says: “Call for reflection in the constitutional debate”, as if in Chile there has been no reflection, particularly from 18 October 2019 onwards … Of course, there has been reflection on…

Time to start stopping the wars: No war in Ukraine, then no war anywhere.

The Ukraine crisis intensifies, with no clear path to resolution. A military confrontation between the United States and Russia, the world’s most heavily armed nuclear nations, could spell disaster. It is time for the people of the world to cry Enough! No…

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