

If High Gas Prices Are So Painful, Shouldn’t We Move Away From Fossil Fuels?

Not only is it possible to switch to renewables, but it’s also cheaper and would make economies less vulnerable. Yet, bizarrely, politicians and the fossil fuel industry, who are using the war on Ukraine to justify high gas prices, are…

Opinion vote

8 March 2022. The Spectator My vote is not secret. Humberto de la Calle led the two political realities with the greatest positive impact in the last 100 years in Colombia: The Constituent Assembly of 1991 and the Peace Agreement…

President Boric: let hope become reality

Thirty years have passed and, although the dictatorship ended, the political class, of all stripes, made no substantive efforts to democratise politics or to modify the economic model of injustices and abuses installed by Pinochet and the Chicago Boys. This…

Putin and Zelensky resign! I renounce war and nuclear weapons!

The title of this article has a problem: my renunciation does not prevent war and my request seems very much out of touch with reality. What is real, therefore, are wars and nuclear weapons to destroy human beings of all…

Does Gabriel Boric Have the Answer?

Who is Gabriel Boric?  He is the recently elected 35-year-old President of Chile. What is the question to which Gabriel Boric might have the answer? It is:  “How can the tide be turned so that social democracy, which is now  at…

What do you want me to say? It makes me want to cry

The agreement between Argentina and the International Monetary Fund began to be debated yesterday in the Budget Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and on Thursday it will reach the Chamber of Deputies. By Jorge Pardés This is the first…

The communication war was never cold

“It is easier to deceive people than to convince them that they have been deceived” Mark Twain We are not so innocent anymore. I don’t know at what point we lost our naivety, but what is clear is that we…

Here we are! #8M

We unite the threads of the historic struggle in a single script. Here we are the grandmothers, mothers, daughters and granddaughters of the patriarchy. We come together because we are the same voices that were never silent at different moments…

The Western war of lies and fake news in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

The dominant cultural hegemony of the West is clearly manifested in the control of the media; the campaign of disinformation, lies, hoaxes, censorship of the media – mainly Russian – and the demonisation of the figure of the President of…

My existential experience of the war in Ukraine

I write this brief note thinking of the hundreds, perhaps thousands of people like me who have suffered and continue to suffer the psychological and moral torture of having been pushed to live through a war and to take sides…

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