

Exile and Ladino

The Jews living in Spain were expelled in 1492 by the very Catholic kings Ferdinand and Isabella. The reasons for this expulsion have given rise to controversy, but it seems to have been at the request of the Inquisition. The…

The Red Scare

(IDN) — In 1954 I attended Queens College during the years before Senator Joseph McCarthy finally met his comeuppance at the Army-McCarthy hearings after terrorizing Americans for years with accusations of disloyal communists, waving lists of blacklisted citizens, threatening their…

We Have Entered A Post-Capitalist Era

Something Strange Has Happened “Something strange has happened … Something has changed over the last year or two.” You’ve probably been hearing people say these sorts of things lately. Come to think of it, you’ve probably been hearing yourself thinking…

“We don’t have much time to change the course of history”

On the occasion of the Asian Peace Conference that took place on the 3rd of April 2022, Pressenza editor, Tony Robinson gave an intervention on the subject of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy in Asia and the need to eliminate…

How Corporate Media Has Put the American Public in a State of Ukraine-Russia Psychosis

There is a growing psychosis sweeping the U.S. around the Russian bombardment of Ukraine, and it is being triggered by the legacy news media. The steady stream of biased, often erroneous or incomplete information spewing from the establishment press is…

No more honeymoon…

As we imagined, the new Chilean government has not had a second’s respite. It has not been able to enjoy even a week of the supposed “honeymoon” enjoyed by the new leaders. Rather, Boric and his team have been thrown…


We can get a rough idea of the US political elites’ involvement in the military biological activity in Ukraine if we rely on open sources as well as leaked documents. Below is an attempt to reconstruct the chronology of this…

Hoping and waiting for a media complex in Guwahati

The virtual capital city of the northeastern part of India, Guwahati today nurtures nearly one thousand working journalists who are associated with various newspapers, news channels, radio outlets, digital platforms, etc and without a doubt, they need a space for…

Ukraine Being Destroyed by Proxy War, Not for Peace or Sustainable Future-Making

Witness to Killing and Destruction – Ukraine fast becoming the Epic Centre of Cataclysm By Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD. Cynicism about politics is endemic across all cultures. When intelligent people think and plan war, it negates the very human nature…

Wars and Conflicts Around the World: What is the “Responsibility to Protect” Doctrine and When to Apply It

It seems difficult and even futile to talk about methodologies for preventing and mitigating conflict in the midst of devastating wars like the one being fought in Ukraine. It seems superfluous and even strident to speak of diplomacy in the…

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