

The Folly of Isolating Russia

As Americans ingest the constant feed of dire reports and heartbreaking photographs from the war in Ukraine, it behooves us to look at Europe’s views of a European conflict. First, these views are far from harmonious; there is, as the…

The hard craft of criticism

Journalists who have an opinion regularly receive expressions of encouragement and approval for what we write or say. Of course, most of the time these are expressions of support, but sometimes we are also criticised for what we say. In…

All search engines are effectively controlled by the U.S. Government.

Because it has become widely known that Google search-results exclude any find that proves the falsehood of the U.S. Government’s key allegations regarding international relations (such as the U.S. Government’s allegation that Ukraine’s Government is not controlled by racist fascists…

Idiot Anti-Nukers Will Only Have Seconds to Say They Were Right

There’s a lot of funny stuff in politics, but the most ludicrous has got to be these holdovers from the 1980s running around warning that we could all die in a nuclear war. The idiots have not realized that nobody…

Patriots for rejection: Pinochet’s violent and privileged brotherhood heir to the throne

“Fascism is cured by reading and racism is cured by travelling”. Miguel de Unamuno The “Freedom Bus”, travelling through the streets of several Chilean cities with phrases such as “Boys have penises. Girls have vulvas. Don’t be fooled”, against the…

Jeremy Corbyn: Now, Let Us Talk Peace

With Russian shells raining down on Ukrainian cities, an uneasy ceasefire in Yemen, the attack on Palestinians at prayer in Jerusalem and many other conflicts around the world, it might seem to some to be inappropriate to talk about peace.…

Grey wolves in Uruguay?

On the eve of the date on which the Armenians of the world remember the genocide perpetrated by the Young Turks, and denied even by the current leaders of the country, the Turkish Chancellor Chavushoglu arrives in Uruguay with the…

Peru: Investigating is the essence of journalism

The essence of journalism is to investigate in order to find the truth. The historical development of the so-called “investigative journalism” is relevant because it has marked a total difference with the so-called “heart press” and even more so with…

What Florida’s Passing of the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill Means for the LGBTQ+ Community across the World

One Step Forward and Two Steps Back In the past month, Florida’s Senate has passed a bill to forbid instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten through to third grade. Officially called the ‘Parental Rights in Education’ bill,…

1st TPNW Conference of States Parties: a new opportunity for Spain to show its commitment to nuclear disarmament

After several postponements, the first Conference of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) will take place in Vienna from 21 to 23 June 2022. The current situation caused by the war in Ukraine and…

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