

The Answer to the Latest Greedy War Spending Should Not Be Greed

I know I should consider myself lucky to have located anybody at all in the United States who opposes the latest $40 billion “for Ukraine.” But from both the right and the left, those who oppose it almost universally express…

Stereotypes steal people’s dignity

A stereotype is an unchanging image, idea or description held by one social group about another. They are used to simplify an already complex life. They are reductionist generalizations that emphasize some aspects and omit others. Regardless of whether stereotypes…

NY Times Shifts Prowar Narrative, Documents Failure of U.S. in Ukraine

Suggests the U.S. End Its Proxy War on Russia By John V. Walsh The New York Times has a job to do – and it has done that job spectacularly well over the past few months.  The Times is a…

Can Chile be saved?

The reality is that Chile has quickly caught up with the most insecure countries on the continent. It is a thing of the past that we were “the happy copy of Eden”, according to our national anthem, or that pretentious…

Endless War in Ukraine Hurts National and Global Security

What are the United States’ goals in the Ukraine war? Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin recently announced that the United States wants “Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading…

Iraq urgently needs a real constitution

Iraq is in dire need of a real constitution. The reasons for a failed state, and the normative miseries since the adoption of its current text in 2005 are growing by the day (Alnasir, 2021c; Cordesman & Molot, 2019; Flibbert,…

The right-wing campaign of terror: a history of media intimidation to keep its privileges intact

An editorial in the Conservative Party’s El Diario Ilustrado, signed by Joaquín Díaz Garcés and published on Wednesday 12 May 1920, stated: “Arturo Alessandri… is ambitious and audacious. By his race he is a Renaissance Italian. By his mental structure,…

The absurdity of war and the new human landscape

-What do we think about the war? “I and my friends  think it‘s ridiculous, it is absurd. Why can‘t people just talk?” This was the response I got from a 17-year-old friend of mine in Europe when I asked him…

Murder of Francisca Sandoval: Violence against the media and state complicity

On Sunday, May 1st, Francisca Sandoval, an independent media journalist, was shot in the face. Since that day and after a complex operation to remove the bullet, we have been waiting for her farewell, after the announcement that she was…

Courage, said Freud

I write this column on the day that Carlos Gaviria – master and philosopher of life, politics and true justice – would have turned 85. He worked, read and taught to try to make the country less unequal, freer from…

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