

India: Birds Drop Out of the Sky, People Die

In case you have lingering doubts about the reality of human-caused global warming, hop on an airplane to parts of India or Pakistan and spend a few days. And, as long as you’re there, maybe be a good citizen and…

Chile is Doing Something Right. Sorry, Left!

When a Wall Street propaganda media titan like the #WSJ publishes an opinion piece titled “Chile Slides Toward Constitutional Suicide,” you know you’re doing something right. Just reading the critique in the first paragraph reveals the magnitude covered by this…

Boric Government: Armed Forces in control of Araucanía

President Boric’s government risks the transformative spirit it so well represents only if it is confused by political inadequacies. He and some of his collaborators, when they were deputies, refused to approve President Piñera’s use, in Araucanía, of the “State…

To Swedish and Finnish citizens from Italy: NATO, if you know it you avoid it!

Open letter to Swedish and Finnish citizens men and women, and especially young people, who do not decide but will have the consequences of this decision about what joining NATO in 1949 meant for Italy. It is not easy to…

Wang Yi: U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy is bound to be a failed one

The U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy is causing more and more vigilance and concern in the world, especially among the countries in the Asia-Pacific region, said Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Sunday. He made the remarks during a…

Beyond Money

Is it possible to imagine a world without money? Anitra Nelson, in her recent book, “Beyond Money: A Post Capitalist Strategy”, not only envisions that world but also gives it concrete shape, laying the ideological foundation of a post-money society…

Diminished people – abolition of democracy in the U.S.?

For quite some time now you can read that democracy in the USA is endangered, especially by current efforts to change the right to vote. I wanted to understand what is going on and have compiled the information available on…

Colombia: Why vote, and for whom?

There are those who say that voting is useless. That no candidate fulfils his promises, that real power prevents a programme of real change from being carried out, that once “on top”, amnesia erases all moral commitment to the majority…

Western media run blatant atrocity propaganda For the Ukrainian Government

The Ukrainian government is quickly learning that it can say anything, literally anything at all, about what’s happening on the ground there and get it uncritically reported as an actual news story by the mainstream western press. The latest story…

Is political voluntarism a tool for social transformation?

The goals set by modern societies in terms of well-being have not been met in the quantity and dimension that people expected, generating social unrest. The responsibility for achieving these achievements has been placed on political leaders; however, given the…

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