

The sanctions against Russia are causing inflation and dislocation almost everywhere in the world … except Russia.

The Ruble is Now Officially the Strongest Currency in The World By the end of May the Russian ruble was officially declared the strongest currency in the world. (1) In the first two weeks of June its value continued to…

Colombia Needs Democracy, Plain and Simple: An Interview With María José Pizarro

On May 29, 2022, a political earthquake struck Colombia: the left-leaning Historical Pact’s presidential candidate, Gustavo Petro, and vice-presidential candidate, Francia Márquez, won the first round of the presidential elections after getting 40.33 percent of the votes. The blocs representing…

“La Mafilia” (The Mafia)

President Alberto Fernández presenting the new Frontier, a pickup truck model similar to the RAM, valued at 8 million pesos, at the Nissan car plant. (TVP image, screen capture) The pirouette of life: increasing consumerism even if thousands of people…

Elections in Colombia: Between Hopes and Concerns

On Sunday 19 June, all eyes will once again be on Colombia and the results of the second round of the presidential elections: will it be more of the same in Colombia – one of the most dangerous countries for…

What’s going on at the Summit of the Americas

These Summits of the Americas are normally attended by 35 countries that are members of the OAS. Biden fared badly at this IX Summit, which this time was held in Los Angeles, California, because it was not all of the…

Exercising “mujeriez” (womanising)

What had to happen happened. The alliance between a lout and a deluded man could not go well. The candidate who won almost six million votes did not accept that the candidate with less than 900,000 would change the rules…

Public education is a priority for the government

The 1833 Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile, drafted and approved only fifteen years afterwards after the country had won its independence from the Spanish crown on the battlefield at Maipú, makes explicit reference to education in its Article…

John Kerry’s Global Fix-it Campaign

“I’m absolutely convinced we will get a low-carbon, no-carbon economy at some point in time. The challenge is will we get there in time to heed the warnings of the scientists and avoid the worst consequences of the crisis?” (John…

North Africa: Kabylia the soul of the Berbers

In telling the name of the Kabylia homeland (Tamurt n Leqbayel), in its brilliant exile the heart quivers. It resounds from afar in the tender soul, like the known footsteps or the mountains of Djurdjura veiled by the mist of…

Ukraine is Losing Badly and Things Are About to Get Much Worse for Them, Unless …

A Bit Of Context For Those Who Decide To Read This The information in the article you are about to read, if you choose to read on, will most likely clash with some of the mainstream media’s presentation of what…

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