

How free are we to decide?

We have a new decision ad portas, this time for the approval or rejection of a proposal for a new Constitution drafted by a group of 154 people (there were 155 but one left because he lied about his health…

Ecuador: “Stop the Massacre”

“Stop the massacre” was the cry that ran through tears, pain and indignation on the twelfth day of the #ParoNacional2022. By Carlos Crespo “We have had a very difficult day”; “it has been a very strong day”. “We denounce to…

‘Nonviolent’ Deaths in War

Despite the waning coverage of the war in Ukraine by the mainstream media, the fighting nonetheless persists. The U.S continues to send billions of dollars in weapons to Ukraine, sanctions on Russia persist as the world suffers inflation and a…

Winter Solstice, National Indigenous Peoples’ Day

On 21 June, the day of the winter solstice, the National Day of Indigenous Peoples was celebrated for the second time. Law 21.357 recognises and enshrines in our institutions a tradition of the peoples of the American continent who celebrate…

How little we know about Chile’s history (III)

It has been known that the 1925 Constitution sought to replace the discredited oligarchic parliamentary regime, incorporating the emerging middle sectors into the state apparatus and seeking to implement a model of industrialisation based on import substitution. But what has…

Surprise Election Results in Colombia Usher in a New Political Era

Colombia made history this week. Progressive former M-19 guerrilla Gustavo Petro, a current senator and former mayor of the nation’s capital Bogotá, won the presidential election. His running mate Francia Márquez Mina will be the nation’s first Black vice president.…

Is climate crisis a form of structural violence?

When examining the climate crisis-violence nexus, many researchers, journalists, policy analysts, and environmentalists tend to focus exclusively on the potential link between global warming and increasing conflict: Will the world become more violent? Will climate disruption trigger uprisings and exacerbate…

They Are People Not Numbers – understanding the global refugee crisis

The 20th of June 2022, marked World Refugee Day which was first established by the United Nations in 2001, in recognition of the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. On the occasion of World…

Progressivism triumphs in Colombia and a people that is beginning to leave 200 years of loneliness behind it

The presidential ballot in Colombia, with almost 100 percent of the polling stations counted according to the National Electoral Council, ended on Sunday 19 June with the victory of the progressive candidate Gustavo Petro for the Historical Pact, who received…

The effect of a tiny bug

Deprived of accurate and reliable information, the pandemic continues to advance. Alerts are of no use when our vital impulse is to return to normality, reunite with friends and family or enjoy the cultural activities we had put aside. That…

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