

CO2 Removal?

Last year, worldwide energy-related CO2 topped 36B tons. That’s a new world record. “Carbon dioxide removal is essential to achieve net-zero [greenhouse-gas emissions],” Diána Ürge-Vorsatz, vice-chair of the working group that produced the nearly 3,000-page UN climate panel report. (Source:…

ICC prosecutor resuming probe of ex-Philippine president, top officials for crimes against humanity

by Perfecto Caparas On June 30, 2022, Rodrigo Roa Duterte ended his six-year term as Philippine president facing prospects of a resumed investigation and prosecution by the International Criminal Court prosecutor for crimes against humanity. Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. succeeded Duterte.…

Conscientious Objection to Military Taxation

According to the National Priorities Project, about 25% of our tax dollars go to the Pentagon to finance the men, women, and weaponry that enables the United States military to fight its wars in Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, and elsewhere.…

I approve or reject, dangerous dichotomy

While it is difficult for us to have a “government of the people”, we could at least aspire to it being “with the people” and “for the people”. Certainly, those who have reached La Moneda belong predominantly to a generation…

Covid deaths in the US (over 1 million) and China (about 5000).

“History Should Judge Us” – and it will. John V. Walsh In May and June of 2022 two milestones were passed in the world’s battle with Covid and were widely noted in the press, one in the US and one…

Russia-African Relations in the Context of Geopolitical Changes

Russia needs to go beyond its traditional rhetoric of Soviet assistance rendered to Africa. It is important now to highlight concrete success stories and policy achievements, at least, during the past decade in Africa. The young generation and the middle…

Growing hope for humanity: 65 countries in Vienna say no to atomic weapons in TPNW declaration

In Vienna, a total of 65 countries with many others as observers and a large number of civil organisations, on Thursday 24 June and for three days, aligned themselves in the face of the threat of the use of atomic…

An ancient battlefield

“The woman’s problem has always been a man’s problem” Simone de Beauvoir. In recent days, three decisions of the US Supreme Court have outlined the path of a radical step backward in terms of rights, but also the confirmation of…

Europe under foreign domination

It is curious what is happening in Europe today. The old continent, as some call it. The continent that spread around the world what some authors call: Western Christian culture. Today, for the first time in history, it is under…

NATO and a War Foretold

As NATO holds its Summit in Madrid on June 28-30, the war in Ukraine is taking center stage. During a pre-Summit June 22 talk with Politico, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg bragged about how well-prepared NATO was for this fight…

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