

Whether Biden or Trump, US’s Latin American Policy Will Still Be Contemptible – Migration, Drugs, and Tariffs

With Donald Trump as the new US president, pundits are speculating about how US policy towards Latin America might change. By John Perry and Roger D. Harris In this article, we look at some of the speculations and then address…

Courage to Responsibility: War Conformity Threatening Democracy

The militarization of international politics leads to hostility instead of more peace between societies. By Michael Müller, Peter Brandt, Reiner Braun as a guest article for the Berliner Zeitung “All the mischief that happens is not only the fault of…

The Real Possibility of Peace on Earth in the 21st Century (Part 2): The Pill that the West Must Now Swallow

Introduction Massive global changes are taking place, now, as you read these words. These changes, which are not being properly reported on in the Western press, are going to have a major impact on most aspects of the lives of…

US Media Promotes Military Intervention in Venezuela

The New York Times, the so-called US “newspaper of record,” carried an opinion piece by one of its columnists promoting “military intervention” to promote “democracy” by overturning the democratically elected government of Venezuela. By Francisco Dominguez and Roger D. Harris…

Deniers & Insurance Premiums Both Surge

Climate change deniers are experiencing a renaissance, especially on social media. In concert with this upswing in denialism, home insurance premiums are skyrocketing, or coverage is dropped altogether, a problem in coastal states. Indeed, it’s noteworthy that American real estate…

What Impact Might The US’ Latest Energy Sanctions Have On Russo-Indo Relations?

Trump’s preference for sanctions and his latest threat to double down on secondary ones could derail India’s careful multi-alignment between the US and Russia by forcing it to choose between them. The media has been awash with reports speculating that Russo-Indo relations…

Venezuelan President Maduro Assumes a Third Term – Prospects and Problematics

The first thing greeting me as I disembarked from my flight in Caracas was a wanted poster for one Edmundo González Urrutia. The reward was $100,000. Not to be outdone, the US had slapped a $25 million bounty on the…

Another World Is Already Here

To see the future we want to create, we just have to look outside of our own borders. I hope everyone in the world reads the new book Another World Is Possible: Lessons for America from Around the Globe by…

The Defector is the Hero of the Future

Speech by Gerardo Femina at the meeting in Prague on 11 January 2025 on the theme of nonviolent conflict resolution. Good evening everyone and thank you for the invitation to this fantastic meeting. I would like to talk about the…

Nihilism is the word enemy of nonviolence

As we celebrate the contributions of Martin Luther King Jr., particularly his role in advancing civil rights through nonviolent activism, we are reminded of the ongoing struggle for racial equality and justice. Many people use this day to reflect on…

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