

‘US wars in Mideast – only excuse for $ trillion military budget’

  Human Wrongs Watch By Russia Today* (RT) – The purpose of the US campaign against the Islamic State is to provide grounds for the trillion dollar annual military budget Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during the Reagan…

HONG KONG: witnessing a ‘new form of protest’

As protests in Hong Kong continue, there are growing fears of a crackdown. But the use of force would not work as it would ruin people’s trust in good governance, human rights lawyer Basil Fernando tells DW.  Despite fear of…

Margarita Laso joins World Day for Nonviolence

Q: Margarita, what are you currently preparing for your artistic activity? M: On October 17, we will have a concert at the Teatro Sucre. It will be a passionate repertoire, where the main issue is absence, parting, and death. It’s…

Interview to Georgina Hassan, Argentinean singer and songwriter who has joined the campaign for October 2 #diadelanoviolencia #nonviolenceday

Buenos Aires, September 8, 2014 1. Georgina, we know you’re working on a new album / book called Calculus. Can you tell us a little about how did this third album of your career came about? Tornasol began brewing when…

Palestinian stories: The Sweet Umm Aziz

Also published in Italian on Frontiere News 11 /09/2014 – In a few days, on September 16, it will be my birthday. It will also be the anniversary of one of the most horrible events of the story of Palestinians…

Of Blessing and Cursing

Human Wrongs Watch Interview with anthropologist and social scientist Ariel James*, by Baher Kamal Science has advanced so much that we can split the atom, manipulate the genetic code, and produce synthetic cells. However, contemporary science has not fully understood…

‘Germany unhappy with the way NATO summit has gone over Russia and Ukraine’

Human Wrongs Watch By Russia Today* (RT), 9 September 2014 – Germany does not want to see its money going into something that is going to be misused from its point of view, defense analyst Dr. Binoy Kampmark told RT.   The country is…

Video of the first same-sex wedding in Turkey and interview with the happy couple

Silo’s Message is a spiritual current developing on the basis of the book of the same name written by the Argentinean spiritual guide, Silo.  Adherents form themselves into Communities and generally meet weekly to interchange about their experiences with Silo’s…

Dr. Paul Farmer on African Ebola Outbreak: Growing Inequality in Global Healthcare at Root of Crisis

As the death toll from the West African Ebola outbreak nears 1,400, two American missionaries who received experimental drugs and top-notch healthcare have been released from the hospital. We spend the hour with Partners in Health co-founder Dr. Paul Farmer…

A Christian Network against Homophobic Campaigning by African Churches

Interview with Nigerian gay rights activist Davis Mac-Iyalla by Steven Hummer and Johanna Heuveling, August 2014 In Nigeria, like in many African countries, homosexual acts are punished with long prison terms or even the death penalty. Christian churches play a…

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