

The Grand Dame at Kolkata’s Fairlawn Hotel

The ringing street sounds of Kolkata had as if melted into the distance to a pleasantly bearable level as I requested a tall brown bottle of Kingfisher beer at the Fairlawn Hotel garden restaurant. At last, respite from the city…

…the vastness of it: Inmensidad – by Andres Koryzma

I noticed a simple announcement on the Facebook page of friend Andres Koryzma, “Inmensidad by Andres Koryzma, for free on Grooveshark. So I got in touch to find out more. “I want to share with my friends a little bit…

Russell Brand on Revolution, Fighting Inequality, Addiction, Militarized Policing & Noam Chomsky

For years Russell Brand has been one of Britain’s most popular comedians, but over the past 12 months he has also emerged as a leading voice of Britain’s political left. He has taken part in anti-austerity protests, spoken at Occupy…

Elections Tunisia: micro-credit fieldworker viewpoint

On the occasion of the elections in Tunisia and the recently issued results, we interviewed Bodo Lieberam, CEO of MicroCred Tunisie, a professional in the field of worldwide microfinance and living in the Country for a few years. The secular…

‘US shale oil exploration led to low oil prices, market shakeup’

Human Wrongs Watch By RT*, 24 October 2014 — Falling oil prices embarrass and make life difficult for countries that depend on oil exports, including Russia and Venezuela, and the US would enjoy making life difficult for them, economist Richard Wolff told RT.…

The creative force of nonviolence: interview with the directors of “Everyday Rebellion”

Everyday Rebellion is a documentary about creative forms of nonviolent protest all over the world. We talk about it with Arman and Arash Rihai, who directed it. How did you get the idea of a film about nonviolent movements? The…

“China is the only country that promised not to use nuclear weapons first”

With the permission of the interviewee we publish here an interview with RIA Novosti.  The original article can be found on their website here. Alice Slater, New York Director of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, told Rossiya Segodnya about the…

The crisis and its challenges in Europe and South America – Part One

Viewed from Europe, the crisis seems global and the future bleak, but at world level: are things really that way? Are there countries or even continents living in a different situation, with certain optimism, offering alternative experiences, views and reasons…

The greatest coping strategy is helping others — a conversation with Liberian activist B. Abel Learwellie

By Bryan Farrell for Waging Nonviolence Liberian human rights activist B. Abel Learwellie has seen more death and destruction than any person should have to endure. He’s lived through two civil wars, during which he lost family members, witnessed brutal…

Palestinian stories: the wise Lebdewah

«In Nahr el-Bared we lost our house, in Palestine our home» Nahr el-Bared is a magical place. I felt a strong connection with it as soon as I stepped foot there, or even before, when I was asking for a…

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