

Daniel Ellsberg warns that the risk of nuclear war is growing as tensions over Ukraine and Taiwan escalate.

Daniel Ellsberg, photo 2020 (Image by Christopher Michel photo 2020) In-depth interview with Daniel Ellsberg, the renowned Pentagon Papers whistleblower, who talks about his sustained anti-war activism and analyses the recent leak of Pentagon documents on the war in Ukraine.…

On Vandana Shiva’s footsteps : Hands-on Ecofeminism

Hayu Dyah is a young Javanese woman and the president of Mantasa, an Indonesian Ngo set in Java. Mantasa’s aim is to tackle women’s and children’s malnutrition which is still widespread in modern Indonesia. Hayu has tested more than 700…

I Used to Be an Animal Lover Conversation Jhon, Boris & Rhys Part II

This is Part II of our multi-dialogue conversation among the contributors to I Used to Be an Animal Lover, edited by D.A. Cairns. In Part I of the conversation, Barbara Reins says, “I’ve been attuned to the dark side since…

No more child brides

The United Nations Fund reports that there are 650 million young women in the world who are forced into marriage; among them, 12 million are between the ages of 12 and 17. These early marriages have very serious consequences because…

Patricia Simón: “We should strengthen collaboration between media and activists to bring the Assange case back into the limelight, in view of his imminent extradition”.

The number of journalists imprisoned worldwide has risen to a new record high, with a total of 533 journalists imprisoned worldwide, according to the 2022 annual report by Reporters Without Borders. A figure that reflects, on the one hand, the…

“It will be very difficult to advance structural changes without the support of the masses”. Collaborative interview with João Pedro Stédile (MST)

João Pedro Stédile, leader of the Landless Rural Workers Movement of Brazil (MST), gave an extensive collaborative interview with the Forum of Communication for the Integration of Our America (FCINA) on Wednesday, in which he addressed the situation of popular…

Pepe Mujica: “If the left is not capable of building unity, it will not be able to defend the interests of the neglected”.

José Mujica receives CTXT at his farm in the Cerro neighbourhood of Montevideo. Cordial and attentive, he talks for 50 minutes about politics with his usual lucidity. He admits that he may be wrong when he says that Europe has…

No peace: US to deliver $2.1 billion in arms and ammunition to Ukraine

Since the start of the armed conflict, Washington has allocated a total of $39.7 billion in military aid to the Kiev regime. Artillery shells, ammunition for laser-guided rocket systems, drones and Patriot multi-missile systems are part of the new military…

I Used to Be an Animal Lover – Conversation Rhys, Barbara & Mitchell – Part I

I Used to Be an Animal Lover is an anthology of short stories about animals edited by the Australian author D.A. Cairns who describes how he selected the stories for the collection:  “The story had to be well written and…

Chile – defeats, challenges and hopes. Interview with Tomás Hirsch

On Sunday 7 May, elections were held in Chile for the Constitutional Council, which will have to prepare a new draft Constitution, after the previous one, very advanced in many aspects, was rejected in the referendum of September 2022. The…

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