

IPB 2016, Reiner Braun: “We need more activities for Peace all over the world”

At the end of the International Peace Bureau World Congress in Berlin we asked Reiner Braun, Co-President of IPB, to give us some final comments. Here below you can find his video interview

Medea Benjamin: “Nonviolence is the only path”

During the International Peace Bureau World Congress in Berlin we have interviewed Medea Benjamin, US activist for peace and human rights. Here below the link to the complete interview

Dave Webb: “A treaty to ban nuclear weapons is a fantastic step forward”

During the 2016 International Peace Bureau World Congress in Berlin we interviewed the British peace activist Dave Webb, member of CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament). Here below is the link to the complete interview

David Rojas on Face 2 Face

On this show we discussed with David Rojas, concerning his work Piezas Faltantes (Missing Pieces), an intervention that brings to life the memory of people in Colombia who went missing due to the political armed conflict.

Interview with Luz Jahnen, producer of the documentary film, “Beyond Revenge”

Luz Jahnen is German and the producer of this film, a humanist, a researcher and a defender of the need to surpass this violence-based system. Pressenza: you published a monograph “Revenge, violence and reconciliation” and subsequently you have given and…

Interview with Álvaro Orus, director of the film “Beyond Revenge”

This documentary film, whose premiere will take place in the World Congress of the International Peace Bureau, 2016 in Berlin, will without a doubt contribute a fundamental and new meaning for “Disarm! For a climate of Peace”, the slogan of…

Daniel Latorre on Face 2 Face

On this show we discussed with Daniel Latorre, specialist on urban design and digital engagement using technology. Daniel underline the importance of being critical when considering design interventions for public places and urban development. More of his works at Wise…

50 Million Children “Uprooted” Worldwide – UNICEF

By  Baher Kamal Human Wrongs Watch Across the globe, nearly 50 million children have been uprooted – 28 million of them driven from their homes by conflicts not of their making, and millions more migrating in the hope of finding a…

Raquel Garavito Chapaval on Face 2 Face

On this show we discussed with Raquel Garavito Chapaval, Consul, concerning the final peace accord between the Colombian Government and the FARC. For more details concerning the peace agreement #LaPazSíEsConmigo #PorColombiaVotoSí

‘UK Officials Patrolling the Internet, on Road to Creating ‘Thought Police’’

Human Wrongs Watch 15 August 2016 (RT)* – We have activists who have been detained for saying that they would like to do something – not the fact that they had done something – and this is a worrying trend,…

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