

Video: Richard D. Wolff – What is Money? Why do some have more than others?

This video is part 2 of an educational & historical series with Professor of Economics Emeritus (University of Massachusetts), Marxist economist and founder of Democracy at Work, Richard D. Wolff. In this interview we talk to him about an instrument…

SUARAM Malaysia – struggling for human rights

By Denise Nanni and Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik Now let’s move to Malaysia to talk to Chew Cy (Dobby) of SUARAM, struggling for human rights in the country. The organisation SUARAM, active for 20 years in Malaysia, predominantly works on issues…

Revolutionary book “At the Crossroads of Humanity’s Future” published in English

Pressenza has been promoting widely the new book by the Argentinian author, Guillermo Sullings.  Titled “At the Crossroads of Humanity’s Future: 120 steps towards the Universal Human Nation”, the book has just been translated to English in Hungary by Pressenza…

Video: Richard D. Wolff – What is Capitalism & Socialism? What differentiates them from each other?

This video is part of an educational & historical series with Professor of Economics Emeritus (University of Massachusetts), Marxist economist and founder of Democracy at Work, Richard D. Wolff. In this first interview we talk to him about Capitalism and…

Jesica Kessler on Face 2 Face

On this show we speak with Jesica Kessler about Somos Ola, a student organization at The New School that promotes debate on Latin American issues. We also discuss Jesica’s participation in a documentary about Rio’s Olympic Games and her involvement…

“For-Profit President”: A Look at How Trump Is Pushing Wholesale Corporate Takeover of the Gov’t

There has been a wholesale corporate takeover of the government. That’s the conclusion of a new report coming out today by the watchdog group Public Citizen. The report looks at how corporate America has benefited from Trump’s first month in…

Mark Farell on Face 2 Face

On this show we discussed with Mark Farell, on being an optimist in this difficult crisis, giving his lifelong experience as a Siloist and share his point of view on a Humanist proposal of social change and personal transformation.

The Civil March for Aleppo reaches Vienna

The Civil March for Aleppo is a civil movement that goes all the way through Europe, along the refugee trail, heading for Syria. It is a solidarity initiative that at the same time encourages the participants to become active for…

The East Side Gallery in Berlin should become a living Monument to Joy

Despite the fact that the East Side Gallery is a listed historic monument, it is deteriorating and becoming increasingly hemmed in. The main reason is that private interests are placed above public land rights and the law. People from all…

Interview with Tina Gibson

By Jhon Sanchez I had the pleasure to meet Tina Gibson last year when she edited one of my short stories, The Kiss, published in Sand Hill Review. Since then, we became friends and last December I had the opportunity…

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