

Tomas Hirsch: “Valuing diversity is what makes convergence possible”

We interviewed Tomás Hirsch, a humanist Deputy from Frente Amplio (Broad Front), a conglomerate that was formed just a year ago in Chile. However, long before this different attempts of convergence between progressive political forces of this country were made.…

Cyprus: “Without reconciliation there will be no reunification in this island”

Tijen Erol and Merobe Bobbe Theoklitou are both from Cyprus. Since 1974, Cyprus is a divided country so one of them lives in one side and the other one lives in the other side of the island. They are both…

Face 2 Face with David Moscovich

On this show we speak with David Moscovich author of “You Are Make Very Important Bathtime” (JEF Books, 2013) and “LIFE+70[Redacted]” (Lit Fest Press, 2016.), a print version of the single most expensive literary e-book to ever be hacked.

Conversation with Billy Lawrence

By Jhon Sánchez, I met Billy Lawrence in 2002 while attending Southampton College. Billy, Will to his classmates, was taking MFA classes even though he was an undergraduate student. I think we both took Beginning the Novel, French and Russian…

The Fight For A New Economy

By Stewart Wallis, Each day, we can see new evidence that the economy fails to serve people or planet. Stewart Wallis, former executive director of the New Economics Foundation, speaks with Tellus Senior Fellow Allen White about how to galvanize action for a…

@RadioPressenza: Review of 2017

Our English language readers may not know that our Spanish language colleagues have a weekly radio show, “Pressenza International in your Ear”, on Ecuadorean public radio, Radio Pichincha Universal.  Every week we bring a selection of international news and interviews…

Face 2 Face with Tom Cayler

On this show we speak with Tom Cayler, chairman of the Illegal Hotel Committee for Manhattan’s West Side Neighborhood Alliance. The committee works against landlords who push people out to convert their apartments into illegal hotel rooms, and thus decreasing…

San Juan Noir, Conversations with Puerto Rican Authors

By Jhon Sánchez As a Colombian writer living in New York, I owe part of my literary influence to Puerto Rico. Writers like Miguel Piñero, Doña Julia Burgos, Mayra Santos Febres and many others have inspired my career. Every year,…

Selay Ghaffar, spokesperson for the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan: “Our goal is to free Afghanistan from violence and foreign influence”

Selay Ghaffar is the spokesperson for the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan. At the release of “Exit from Violence. You are not alone”  handbook on Tuesday November 28th at Casa delle Donne di Milano, she spoke about the current situation for…

Face 2 Face with Anaclara Valdes

On this show we speak with Anaclara Valdes concerning the challenges facing the indigenous community in Argentina. The Mapuches claim part of the Benetton-owned land as ancestral territory and the conflict has often erupted into large protests.

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