

Let’s build a mass of media outlets versus a mass media

Aphorism “If they have the mass media, we will make a mass of media outlets.” “If they have guns, we’ll have cameras.” “If they have the banks, we have each other.” We interviewed one of the participants of the European…

Mario Aguilar: The role and meaning of education

The President of the Chilean Union of Teachers is concerned by teachers’ working conditions and that they serve teachers so that they can help their pupils to bring out the best of themselves as human beings; so that they may…

Tomás Hirsch: Social democracy is in crisis because it’s a bad copy of the Right

Interview with Tomás Hirsch, Humanist Party congressman from Chile, during the European Humanist Forum in Madrid. Hirsch talks about convergence and political alliances, the crisis of the Left in Europe, the role of parliamentarians and relationships with social movements. (The…

Guillermo Sullings: The rich get richer and the poor get poorer

Economist, Guillermo Sullings, author of the book “At the Crossroads of Humanity’s Future: the steps towards the Universal Human Nation” talks about the difference between globalisation and planetarisation, the European Humanist Forum, neoliberalism and how to surpass it, and the…

The strength of femininity

by Cloty Rubio. A global and genuine commitment to the protection of life is imperative at this time In the European Humanist Forum that took place in Madrid on 11, 12 and 13 May, one of the working areas was…

Mayte Quintanilla: “Creating alternatives to today’s world is an act of freedom that unites us”

Mayte Quintanilla, an activist for a universal and unconditional basic income, is a long-time humanist who has been working for decades to transform the world around her in the political and social fields. She will participate in the European Humanist…

Malalai Joya: I have to spread the truth about Afghanistan and awaken the consciousness of people

Malalai Joya is an Afghan politician, activist and writer. As an elected Member of Parliament, on December 17, 2003 in the Loya Jirga assembly, she denounced the presence of people she called “warlords and war criminals” in Parliament. Since then…

#EHF2018 Guillermo Sullings: “From our unity will come the strength to transform things and to transform ourselves

Guillermo Sullings, humanist economist, writer and conference speaker, will participate in different moments of the European Humanist Forum 2018, which will take place in Madrid from 11 to 13 May. His book “At the Crossroads of Humanity’s Future: the steps…

EHF2018: David Bazo ”We need to open our eyes to see there are alternatives”

David Bazo wrote the music for the documentary film “UBI, Our Right to Live“, which will be released on the 12th of May at noon at the El Pozo Cultural Centre, Madrid, within the frame of the European Humanist Forum…

#EHF2018 Tiberio Feliz: embracing plurality as an identity

Professor Tiberio Feliz Murias runs the Centre for the Care of Disabled University Students (UNIDIS) at the National University of Distance Education (UNED), in Madrid, Spain, and teaches at the Faculty of Educational Sciences. He is a natural born facilitator…

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