

Riccardo Gatti of Open Arms: we won’t surrender

How should we react to the closure of Italian and Maltese ports, to the criminalisation of solidarity and to the misrepresentation of facts? We speak to Riccardo Gatti, the Captain of the Astral and Head of Mission of the Open…

Rise for Climate: Tens of Thousands March in San Francisco Calling for Fossil-Free World

Hundreds of thousands of protesters in more than 90 countries joined a worldwide day of protest demanding urgent action to address climate change Saturday. In San Francisco, up to 30,000 people took part in the Rise for Climate, Jobs and…

South American March for Peace and Nonviolence: About to Begin

To learn more about the March, we interviewed Sonia Venegas, from Mundo Sin Guerras (World without Wars) Ecuador, promoter of the March. What is the South American March for Peace and Nonviolence and why doing it? It is the sum…

Face 2 Face with Gabriel Rudas

On this show we speak with Gabriel Rudas who reports from Colombia about the presidential elections, the peace process, the rise of a new alternative movement, and the challenges facing the anti-corruption referendum.

Elly Schlein MEP: it takes political, social and cultural work to oppose hatred and intolerance

Migration policies, nationalist and xenophobic forces, networking between progressive political forces and civil society, opposition to hatred and intolerance and the value of non-violence. We discussed this with Elly Schlein, MEP for Possibile’ and rapporteur for her S&d Group (Progressive…

Moni Ovadia: accusing those who criticise Israel’s politics of anti-Semitism is shameful

Moni Ovadia is an Italian theatre actor, musician, singer and author. He has long been engaged in the search for a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which earned him the Premio Colombe for Peace in 2005; we asked him for…

Face 2 Face with Jessica Ramos

On this show we speak with Jessica Ramos, candidate for New York State Senate in Queens District 13. Jessica speaks about what motivated her to run and gives us an overview of the political landscape at the state level for…

Guy Standing: The Basic Income is a fundamental emancipator policy

For the British economist and co-founder of the Basic Income Earth Network, Basic Income is not a panacea but it helps society to advance to a better life This is the latest in a series of interviews that we have…

Sonja Scherndl: Global problems need global solutions

A member of Share the World’s Resources, she believes there is only one humanity and we must work together for the good of all. Sonja Scherndl works at Share the World’s Resources in London. She first heard about Basic Income…

Ping Xu proposes a worldwide movement for a basic income

Ping Xu is the founder of UBI Taiwan. From concert pianist in the USA to translator for immigrants, passing through living on the street, Xu explains to us in this interview for the documentary “RBUI, our right to live” the…

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