

How the Climate Crisis Is Making the Spread of Infectious Diseases Like Coronavirus More Common

Sonia Shah is an investigative science journalist and author of “Pandemic: Tracking Contagions, from Cholera to Ebola and Beyond.” Her new book is titled “The Next Great Migration: The Beauty and Terror of Life on the Move” and will be…

#MeToo Founder Tarana Burke: Harvey Weinsteins of the World Can’t Exist Without “Systems of Power”

Disgraced former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was convicted of first-degree commission of a criminal sexual act and third-degree rape, but acquitted of two more serious charges. “If we turn a blind eye to the systems that they operate in, then…

A Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework Aims at Reinforcing Efforts to Save World’s Ecosystem

The UN’s highly-touted socio-economic agenda, which lays out an ambitious global plan for “people, planet and prosperity”, has been dominated by “goals, targets and deadlines.” But regrettably, most developing nations are struggling to reach these goals—due largely to a shortfall…

Ambra Gutierrez Recorded Harvey Weinstein Admitting Sexual Assault in 2015. Why Wasn’t He Charged?

Irin Carmon is a senior correspondent for New York magazine who has followed the allegations against Harvey Weinstein. She just published her new profile on Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, a Filipina-Italian model who reported Weinstein to the New York Police Department…

Conversation with Maria Teresa Silva

By Jhon Sánchez This Saturday, I’m planning to watch Maria Teresa Silva’s new play, “Is There Such A Thing As True Love“?  I had the opportunity to talk to her. Thank you for granting this interview: JS: How do you…

Risk of Nuclear War Rises as U.S. Deploys a New Nuclear Weapon for the First Time Since the Cold War

The Federation of American Scientists revealed in late January that the U.S. Navy had deployed for the first time a submarine armed with a low-yield Trident nuclear warhead. The USS Tennessee deployed from Kings Bay Submarine Base in Georgia in late 2019.…

Sanders & Buttigieg Lead in Early Iowa Results After Faulty App Leads to Catastrophe at Caucus

The final results of Monday’s Democratic Iowa caucuses remain unknown, with 71% of precincts reporting the final tallies of the first 2020 presidential contest. Senator Bernie Sanders is leading in the popular vote, while former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg…

As Bernie Sanders Surges Ahead of Iowa Caucus, DNC Under Fire for Changing Rules to Help Bloomberg

The Iowa caucuses take place today, kicking off the official start of the 2020 presidential election season. Democratic presidential candidates spent the weekend making last-minute pitches to voters at rallies across Iowa. Meanwhile, the Democratic National Committee is facing criticism…

Face 2 Face with Seth Shelden

On this show we speak with Seth Shelden, United Nations Liaison with the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). Seth speaks the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), the first legally-binding international agreement to comprehensively prohibit nuclear…

Tim Robbins: Bernie Sanders Is the Best Shot We Have to Defeat Donald Trump

We continue our conversation with Academy Award-winning actor and director Tim Robbins, whose recent projects include the new film “Dark Waters” and a play about immigration called “The New Colossus.” He recently endorsed Vermont senator and Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders…

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