

Dialogue for Multiconvergence

The meeting of global citizens’ networks, held on July 5, 2020, was of special interest to three friends of the Dialogues for Humanity, the Agora of the Earth’s Inhabitants and the Humanist Movement, who have been promoting the union of…

Interview with Maria José Frias: the benefits of Chlorine Dioxide in the context of COVID-19

Pressenza: Thank you very much María José for this interview, in which we want to start by asking you what is the IHWC? María José Frías: The International Humanist White Circle (IHWC) was originally called the International Humanist White Cross,…

Face 2 Face with Brent Fidler

On this show we speak with Brent Fidler, the author of Shadows of Nagasaki, a science-fiction story in which Japanese nuclear bomb victims reanimate as tormented Yurei ghosts to enact vengeance on the descendants of those involved in the Manhattan Project…

The Moment of Truth for BRICS:

Challenges, Opportunities and the Way Forward By Kester Kenn Klomegah As already known, BRICS is an association of five major emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. South Africa joined the association in 2010. The BRICS has a…

Interview with Paulina Hunt: “Against the violence of inequality, mutual support and organizing”

We interviewed humanist actress Paulina Hunt, who in mid march, when the Coronavirus confinement started in Chile, joined a network of neighbors in the La Reina commune. The amount of solidary activities kicked off by this network stand out as…

Is There an Alternative to 5G?

We have recently met with great pleasure Gunter Pauli, economist, entrepreneur and successful author, former professor at the Polytechnic of Turin with the task of providing the cultural basis of the systemic design approach, known above all for being the…

Interview With Gabriela Meléndez: “Everyday, You Should Do Something That Gives You Purpose”

We interviewed Gabriela Meléndez, a humanist psychiatrist who has amazed us with her social commitment during these months of confinement in Chile. To start, we asked her to explain what she has been doing since coronavirus first left us secluded…

Overcoming Fear: the Way of the Ippocrate Movement

Many times, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the topic of possible virus treatments came up and sparked controversy. On the initiative of Mauro Rango, an Italian passionate about medicine who lives in Rodrigues (Republic of Mauritius), a study group was formed…

“A Dream That Comes True”: Standing Rock Elder Hails Order to Shut Down DAPL After Years of Protest

Following years of resistance, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Indigenous organizers across the country scored a massive legal victory Monday when a federal judge ordered the Dakota Access Pipeline to be shut down and emptied of all oil, pending…

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