

Launching of the book “Walls that Speak: A graphic memory of the social awakening” at the Museum of Chilean Social Uprising

This Friday May 14, the International News Agency Pressenza held the launch of the book “Muros que hablan: memoria gráfica del despertar social en Santiago de Chile. October 2019-March 2020” at the Museum of Social Uprising, located in the Bellavista…

Women who Build the Future: Zohar Chamberlain Regev

Zohar Chamberlain Regev, who is Israeli, works as a volunteer at the Palestine Museum of Natural History, which is directed by Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh. The Museum’s motto is respect for oneself, respect for others and respect for ones’ environment, as…

“Basic Income would allow us to gain a social base that is essential to defeat fascism”. Interview with Daniel Raventós

Laure Vega conducted this interview for Catarsi magazine. We begin, as always, with a brief explanation of what Basic Income is and its defence from a republican perspective: Basic Income is a public, monetary, unconditional and universal allocation. It is…

Face 2 Face with David Rojas

On this show we are speaking with  David Rojas, Colombian activist living in New York, about the serious situation in Colombia where at least 19 people were killed during protests opposing tax increase and inequality.

What is happening in Colombia?

In this interview, we speak with Joshua Collins, a freelance journalist based in Bogotá, Colombia, from where he covers Latin America. We talk about why people are demonstrating in Colombia and why these protests are different from previous ones. We…

The US embargo against Cuba. Interview with Cuban Ambassador to the Czech Republic

For more than 60 years, a US economic embargo has hit Cuba and several UN resolutions have not been enough to put an end to these sanctions. The issue is also very topical because thanks to the numerous solidarity missions…

Face 2 Face with Angelo Cardona

On this show we are speaking with Angelo Cardona about the First Youth Summit Against NATO. Angelo is Co-founder & President Ibero-American Alliance for Peace, Council member of the International Peace Bureau, and member of the No to War –…

Face 2 Face with Michael Beer

On this show we are speaking with Michael Beer about his new book Civil Resistance Tactics in the 21st Century, published by the International Center for Nonviolent Conflict. Michael is the director of the organization Nonviolence International, who advocates for…

The Roots of Violence – episode 1 – Iran 1952 to 2001

Welcome to the first in what we hope will be a series of interviews in which we look at the Middle East region and try to understand better what is going on there. The view from the West is that…

Myanmar: “The people will not surrender until the military junta is overthrown”

In Myanmar, a Southeast Asian country formerly known as Burma, on February 1, the Tatmadaw, the national Army, regained power with a coup, declaring a state of emergency for a year and arresting civilian leaders, whose government it had been…

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