

Adrian Mac Liman “Many European countries warn that sanctions over the war affect them more than Russia”.

Sweden and Finland are expected to join the North Atlantic Organisation, NATO, as soon as possible after the governments of both countries announced their membership on Monday. Social Democrat Magdalena Andersson, the Swedish Prime Minister, made the announcement at a…

Interview with Marcelo Castillo, spokesperson of the Coordinating Committee for the renationalization of Copper and Big Mining in Chile

We interviewed Marcelo Castillo Duvauchelle in his capacity as spokesperson for the Coordinadora por la Renacionalización del Cobre y la Gran Minería, as we were interested to know what he thinks of the deliberations that have taken place regarding the…

Camilo González Posso “In Colombia there is a non-constitutional state of affairs, there is no democratic regime”.

  Go to download In an interview with Camilo González Posso, president of the Institute for Development and Peace Studies, Indepaz, we will talk about the current situation of the Peace Accord in Colombia and the work that the new…

Dialogues with Enric Benito -Interview 01- “The process of dying is beautifully organised”.

From Rehuno Salud and in a joint work with the organisation Al final de la Vida we talked with Dr. Enric Benito about the humanisation of the end-of-life process. On the taboos that exist, what is the good death, palliative…

“No one can win this war. A negotiated, just peace guaranteed by EU-US-Russia is the only sane strategy” – CGTN interview

“The global South is not sanctioning Russia, not because they support Putin but because they’ve had enough of US government hypocrisy.” Ukraine acknowledged on Friday that it was taking heavy losses in Russia’s assault in the east. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s…

Sara Tajuelo: “The voice of the silenced souls”.

We spoke with Sara Tajuelo, on the occasion of the presentation of her book La voz de las almas silenciadas. A look inside the elderly in residential homes, a book full of denunciation, vindicating proposals, compassion and projection of the…

Marilen Cabrera, Undersecretary of National Assets: “We want to install a more social look”.

The new Undersecretary of National Assets says the ministry is more than just a portfolio in charge of administering state land. She assures that there are many issues that are invisible and that one of the priorities will be to…

Remember RUDN University

In an insightful long-ranging conversation, the newly appointed Rector of the RUDN University (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia), Oleg Yastrebov, discusses the latest developments, educational reforms, students’ enrollment as well as cultural diversity in his multinational university. By Kester Kenn…

Let’s talk about death: medical expert in bioethics claims the need to naturalise the end of life

Let’s talk about death is an invitation to dispel myths, fears, misconceptions and to anticipate death. Juan Pablo Beca, its author, argues that we need to naturalise death and consider it as the last chapter of a biography. – Dr…

A young Bhutanese artist talks about herself. Interview with Sonam Yangdon

Today I’ll tell you a pleasant chat with Sonam Yangdon – Broke Bhutanese Artist- a young 19 year old girl who grew up in a village in Bumthang, central Bhutan, and who has been living in Australia with her family…

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