

A Dialogue with Edicio dela Torre: On Democratization

As founder and president of the Education for Life Foundation, Edicio dela Torre synthesizes and applies Paulo Freire’s dialogical and problem-posing approaches, N.F.S. Grundtvig’s folk school, and Filipino psychology and traditions towards grassroots empowerment for social justice, human rights, and…

A conversation about Leo Romeo Valentino’s my heartbreaking jibberjabber/ Part I

When I held the collection of poems, admiring the beautiful cover, what most caught my attention was the author’s name, ‘Leo Romeo Valentino.’ Who is so lucky to be called like that? It wasn’t just the sound of the vowels…

Colombia Needs Democracy, Plain and Simple: An Interview With María José Pizarro

On May 29, 2022, a political earthquake struck Colombia: the left-leaning Historical Pact’s presidential candidate, Gustavo Petro, and vice-presidential candidate, Francia Márquez, won the first round of the presidential elections after getting 40.33 percent of the votes. The blocs representing…

Antonio Carvallo “China is thinking of the future, while the United States wants to return to the past”.

The dispute for global hegemony that we are experiencing scares us because of the danger of the use of nuclear weapons. We see that there are leaders who are quite unbalanced and lacking in empathy, who might be willing to…

We talk to Javier Tolcachier about the corporate co-optation of the Multistakeholders

We are now entering our second interview and this time we have chosen a topic that most of our audience has probably not heard of, but surely lives it in some way because it has to do with what happens…

The Therapeutic Power of the PRESENCE: Dialogues with Enric Benito -Interview 02-

From Rehuno Salud and in a joint work with the organisation Al final de la Vida we talked with Dr. Enric Benito about the humanisation of the end-of-life process. On the taboos that exist, what is the good death, palliative…

Conversation with Guillermo Severiche IATI’s ‘Cimientos’ for New York

When interviewing someone Hispanic in the United States, I am constantly faced with the dilemma of which language to use, English or Spanish. In this case, I chose Spanish because we will talk with Guillermo Severiche about new initiatives to…

Zabier Hernández “We must treat with love all those who did not vote in order to make them fall in love”.

This Sunday presidential elections took place in Colombia. Gustavo Petro was the candidate who obtained the most votes with more than 8.5 million votes, something like 40.32% of the votes. He will face Rodolfo Hernández on 19 June in the…

Face 2 Face with John V. Walsh

LIVE SHOW on Friday, May 27 at 2:30 PM In this show, we speak with John Walsh about the war in Ukraine and the shift in editorial direction by the NY Times, one the main shapers of public opinion for…

“The world is looking at us”, Marilén Cabrera, Under-Secretary of National Assets

In Chile, on 11 March last, a government led by the young Gabriel Boric took office, in which the left and progressives managed to converge in a political project as an alternative to neoliberalism, which exploded on 18 October 2019.…

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