

A conversation with Charlie Fish about his short story collection, “The Man Who Married Himself.” Part I

In 2018, Charlie Fish published my short story, “‘My Love Ana’—Tommy” in Fiction on the Web. Charlie, a New York native, has been publishing stories online since 1996 and now lives in London. In addition to publishing and editing other authors,…

Autism, “the pathology of the century” in Tunisia: An Interview with a Speech Therapist

Recently, Tunisia signed a declaration stating that families with autistic children aged 3 to 5 years old will get monetary compensation for assisting them with expenses of their children’s school and therapy. Despite the assistance, the monetary of 200 Tunisian…

Tomás Hirsch: a revolutionary constitution for Chile and for all humanity

On 4 September, Chile will vote to approve the text of the new Constitution. This historic event is largely ignored or little followed by the media, especially the European media. We spoke about it with Tomás Hirsch, Deputy Hirsch of…

Roberto Pizarro, economist: “The `I approve` option will generate the conditions to recover growth”.

Economist Roberto Pizarro Hofer is an outspoken dissident of the neoliberal positions of several of his colleagues, whom he has publicly challenged for their position on the possibility of a new Constitution. He was Minister of Planning and Cooperation (now…

“Broaden and make safe civic spaces” – Former Commissioner Karen S. Gomez Dumpit, Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines

In this second part of her interview with Pressenza, former commissioner Karen S. Gomez Dumpit of the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines stresses the need for government to refrain from red-tagging political dissenters. She urges the administration of…

“Even the dead cannot rest” – Karen Gomez Dumpit, Former Commissioner, Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines

In her 2-part interview with Pressenza journalist Perfecto Caparas, former commissioner of the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines (CHRP) Karen S. Gomez Dumpit narrates how former president Rodrigo Duterte’s government stymied CHR, an independent constitutional commission. This, amid the…

Lorena Corrias: “I don’t want to live in a world without Julian Assange”.

Every Saturday since 6 August, Lorena Corrias has been sitting in Como’s Piazza Verdi in an imaginary cell measuring two by three metres drawn on the ground, dressed in the orange uniform of the Guantanamo prisoners, in a non-violent protest…

Deputy Hirsch argues that the Right is trying to prevent citizens from being informed

The Comptroller General’s Office of the Republic has granted an injunction from Christian Democrat deputies against the Minister of the Presidency, Giorgio Jackson, in which it states that the government authority “did not comply with the requirement of independence” by…

“We are Bahá’is too”.

For weeks now, messages have been multiplying on social networks denouncing the repression and violation of human rights in Iran. Journalists, teachers, filmmakers, activists, etc. have been suffering persecution and arrests, seeing their homes demolished… or simply disappearing. Among them…

Why clothes don’t just make people

Although Gottfried Keller was right when claiming that clothes make people, particularly the way that clothes are produced, consumed or disposed does so much more – in regards to human rights abuses or environmental damage, for instance. Diana Sanabria, who…

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