

Banking on the LGBT – with Asian Values

Interview with: Dr Dédé Oetomo, a leading activist for LGBT rights in Indonesia. * Oetomo: I came to Hong Kong to speak at this conference on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons in the workplace [First LGBT summit in…

The voice of a new sensibility speaking loud and clear. Russell Brand going viral

For a while it was difficult to understand his success. The bad mouthed ex-junkie speaking faster than one could follow his thoughts did not have a very wide appeal but a niche audience kept up, and suddenly he has become…

Mahmoud Abbas: Negotiations with Israel aren’t at a deadlock

  [divide][clear]   Deutsche Welle, Press Release The peace negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis “are difficult but they haven’t reached a deadlock,” said Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in an interview with DW in Berlin during his visit to Germany. Palestinian…

The Military-Industrial Pundits: Conflicts of Interest Exposed for TV Guests Who Urged Syrian War

New research shows many so-called experts who appeared on television making the case for U.S. strikes on Syria had undisclosed ties to military contractors. A new report by the Public Accountability Initiative identifies 22 commentators with industry ties. While they…

Walking an Economic Tightrope with No Safety Net

By Thalif Deen. For IPS UNITED NATIONS, Oct 16 2013 (IPS) – With the richest one percent of the population now owning 40 percent of global assets, and the bottom half sharing just one percent, inequality is fast being recognised…

Le Mur a Des Oreilles talks to Professor Noam Chomsky

Pressenza publishes here a phone interview with Noam Chomsky by Le Mur a Des Oreilles (recorded on September 6th) LMaDO: What is the definition of negotiations in Israel-US language and why is the Palestinian Authority playing along? NC: From the…

Ex-UN arms inspector: Get rid of Assad’s arsenal

Deutsche Welle, Press Release Ex-UN arms inspector: Get rid of Assad’s arsenal Former UN arms inspector Rolf Ekéus tells DW why it’s unlikely that the expected UN report on the use of chemical weapons in Syria will include a smoking…

Noam Chomsky on Egypt’s Coup

By Austin G. Mackell Below is a short email interview I conducted with Noam Chomsky regarding the coup in Egypt. [START] Q. Are you pleased or upset by the events in Egypt over the last month or so?  A. Upset…

Moving towards the Centre: interview with Rafael Edwards

Rafael Edwards has been working through drawing, painting, modelling, photographing the world and matter from the standpoint of Universal Humanism since childhood. His career can be observed and summarised in: His photos in: I found “Rafa”, as we…

Evo Morales: ‘These are the peoples times and we can no longer be silenced’

The President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia communicated by telephone with the journalist Victor Hugo Morales. They spoke in a tone of respect and camaraderie. The Indigenous leader spoke of the amazing reception his compatriots gave him in El…

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